Let's integrate MirrorFly’s Meet SDK into any Web Apps

SDK UIKit for React#

Mirrorfly UIKit Sdk is a set of prebuilt UI components that allows you to easily integrate an in-app chat with all the essential messaging features.


The requirements for chat SDK for React Web App are:

  • React Version 16.0 or above
  • Node Version v14.17.4 or above

Things to be Noted Before Making a Start#

SDK License Key#

Before integrating CONTUS MirrorFly Chat SDK, you need to have a SDK license key for your MirrorFly application. This SDK needs to be authenticated by the MirrorFly server using the license key for further processing.

To get the License Key,#

Step 1: Register here to get a MirrorFly User account. Registration is subject to verification and would take up to 24 hours.

Step 2: Login to your Account

Step 3: Get the License key from the application Info’ section


Integrate the Chat SDK for React#

Install mirrorfly-uikit (https://www.npmjs.com/package/mirrorfly-uikit) npm package by terminal command 'npm i mirrorfly-uikit'. Now the node_modules will have a mirrorfly-uikit folder and package.json is added with the mirrorfly-uikit dependency.

Step 1: Create a new React project or Open an existing project.

Step 2: Open terminal and install mirrorfly-uikit with npm command 'npm i mirrorfly-uikit' and check package.json whether the dependency is added with mirrorfly-uikit as mentioned below.

"dependencies": {
"mirrorfly-uikit": "^3.7.4",
"react": "^16.0.0",
"react-dom": "^16.0.0",

Step 3: Import ChatApp component from the mirrorfly-uikit package in node modules.

Step 4: Import bundle.css from the mirrorfly-uikit package in node modules .

The apiUrl and licenseKey details can get it from the 'Overview' section in the mirrorfly Console dashboard.


import { ChatApp } from "mirrorfly-uikit/dist"
import "mirrorfly-uikit/dist/assets/scss/bundle.css"
function App() {
return (
export default App;
licenseKeyStringset your licence key
userIdentifierStringset your phoneNumber
apiUrlStringset your base url

Custom Chat Conversation#

If you need chat conversation page alone initialize customconversation in ChatApp component.

const customConversation = {
conversationValue : true,


Web SDK Methods#

We can also import Web SDK methods from "mirrorfly-uikit/dist" below code snippet is example to import SDK methods.

import { SDK } from "mirrorfly-uikit/dist"
const initializeSDK = async() => {
const initializeObj = {
licenseKey: "********************",
callbackListeners: {}
const check = await SDK.initializeSDK(initializeObj);
console.log("check", check);

Note :By using Web SDK methods you can use prime functionality of mirrorfly outside of Uikit.

Other Framework Integration#

Note :You can also integrate the chat SDK for Angular and VueJs Framework.

Initializing the chat Conversation#

Note : Recent Search chat feature is not available for your easy plan then it will not display in Recent Chat Screen in Mirrorfly-Uikit.

You can now run the application with single React Component. To send a message, you must first start a conversation by clicking on the add new chat icon Then, you can select the user you wish to chat from your contact list.

Sending Single Chat Message#

Once navigated to user chat screen, type your first message and click send button .

Sending Group Chat Message#

Your can also connect to more than one member in group chat conversation