Home » Tutorials » How To Build a Chat App for the Web?


Welcome to this tutorial on building a chat app for the web!

In this guide, we will show you how to use MirrorFly's chat SDKs to add messaging functionality to your web app, using Javascript, Angular, React, or React Native. It is assumed that you have a basic understanding of Javascript to easily follow the steps instructed throughout this tutorial.

With no further ado, Let’s start with the development!

What Features Can You Add With MirrorFly Chat SDK?

When you integrate MirrorFly’s messaging SDK, you will be able to implement the following features for your web chat app:

  • Topic-based chat
  • Chat history/ backup
  • Send/ receive direct messages
  • Message Status - Sent/ Delivered / Read
  • Online presence indicators
  • Attachments - Location, Contacts, Images, Videos, Documents
  • Starred Messages
  • Reply Messages
  • Message forwards
  • Delete Chat


Browser Versions:

Browser Comparative versions
Safari 7 or above
Chrome 16 or above
Firefox 11 or above
Edge 13 or above

Sample App (If you do not have an existing app)


Before you start with the installation, make sure you meet the following requirements.

  • Node - 14.20.0
  • npm - 6.14.10
  • react-native - 0.69.12

Before You Get Started

SDK License Key

Step 1 : Sign up here to create your user account with MirrorFly.

Step 2 : On submission, you will receive a call back from our expert team, to help set up your account.

Step 3 : Next, get the License key. You’ll need this license key to authenticate the SDK in your app project.


Integrate the Chat SDK

In this section, you’ll learn how to integrate Chat SDKs in Javascript, Angular, React and React native.

Chat SDK Integration : Javascript

Step 1 : Please ensure that all your "packages.json" files are up to date.

Step 2 : Verify your package files for any duplicates, especially if you are experiencing issues on iOS

Step 3 : To download the files from the React native SDKs, click on the download button

Step 4 : Unzip the downloaded file and transfer the files from the "dist" folder.

Step 5 : Make a new directory within your project and paste all the copied files into it.

Step 6 : Generate an "SDK.js" file to export the SDK objects. Additionally, you can utilize the provided codes below for importing the SDKs.

                     import './index';

                     const SDK = window.SDK;

                     export default SDK;

Chat SDK Integration

Use the below code to integrate the SDK into your chat app project.

                         "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage": "^1.17.7",//Any version  
                         "react-native-get-random-values": "1.7.1",//must use version >=1.7.1  
                         "react-native-document-picker" :"8.1.1",// must use version >=8.1.1  
                         'realm': "^10.8.0",  
                         'react-native-fs':  "^2.18.0",  
                         '@react-native-community/netinfo': "^8.0.0",  
                         'moment': "2.29.4",  
                         'rn-fetch-blob': "^0.12.0",  
                         'react-native-compressor': "1.6.1",  
                         'react-native-convert-ph-asset': "^1.0.3",  
                         'react-native-mov-to-mp4' :"^0.2.2"  

Chat SDK Initialization

Start the initialization process of the chat SDK by ensuring you have the necessary data that corresponds to changes in the connection status within the client's app.

Now, insert the license key into the "licensekey" parameter, and utilize the provided method below to pass this data through the SDK for subsequent processing.


For testing purposes, you can locate the details of the sandbox server in the subsequent Sandbox section.

                      const initializeObj = {  
                         apiBaseUrl: `API_URL`,  
                         licenseKey: `LICENSE_KEY`,  
                         isTrialLicenseKey: `TRIAL_MODE`,  
                         callbackListeners: {},  
                      await SDK.initializeSDK(initializeObj);    

Sandbox Details

Retrieve the apiUrl and licenseKey details from the 'Overview' section in the MirrorFly Console dashboard.

                         function connectionListener(response) { 
                            if (response.status === "CONNECTED") { 
                            console.log("Connection Established"); 
                            } else if (response.status === "DISCONNECTED") { 

                      const initializeObj = {  
                         apiBaseUrl: "https://api-preprod-sandbox.mirrorfly.com/api/v1",  
                         licenseKey: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",  
                         isTrialLicenseKey: true,  
                         callbackListeners: {  
                      await SDK.initializeSDK(initializeObj);    


Explore the Callback Event Listener Section for more information on callback listeners.

Example Response

                         "statusCode": 200,
                         "message": "Success"

Register User

Step 1 : Utilize the method provided below to register a new user.

Step 2 : After registration, you will receive a username and password. Use these credentials to establish a connection with the server through the connect method.

Sample Response:

                            statusCode: 200,  
                            message: "Success",  
                            data: {  
                            username: "123456789",  
                            password: "987654321"  

Caution: The username serves as a unique identifier, enabling you to connect with other users for sending or receiving messages.

Establish Connection To MirrorFly Server.

Step 1 : Utilize the credentials obtained during registration to establish a connection with the server.

Step 2 : Upon successfully establishing the connection, you will receive an approval message with a 'statusCode' of 200; otherwise, an execution error will be encountered.

Step 3 : Additionally, you can track the connection status through the connectionListener callback function.

Step 4 : In case of any errors during the connection attempt, you will receive an error message through the callback.

                       await SDK.connect(`USERNAME`, `PASSWORD`);

Sample Response:

                            message: "Login Success",  
                            statusCode: 200  

Note: For detailed information on a variety of login and profile-related configurations, please check the Profile Section.

Send a Message

To send a message to another user, utilize the method provided below:

Note: Generate a JID (Jabber ID) for any user using the method const userJid = SDK.getJid(USER_ID).

                            message: "Login Success",  
                            statusCode: 200  

Response Format:

For detailed information on a variety of login and profile-related configurations, please check the Profile Section.

Receive a Message

To receive messages from another user, you need to implement the messageListener function. This function will be triggered whenever a new message or related event is received in one-to-one or group chat. Additionally, during the SDK initialization process, make sure to include the following callback method:

                     function messageListener(response) {  
                         console.log("Message Listener", response);  

Note: Generate a JID (Jabber ID) for any user using the method const userJid = SDK.getJid(USER_ID).


As seen from this tutorial, you’ll now be able to develop your own web chat apps in just 6 steps. If you’d like to take a step further with adding other functionalities, here are some of our tutorials you may need to check out:

Hope you find this tutorial helpful. Happy developing!

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Looking to Build a Chat App for the Web in < 10 Mins?

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