MirrorFly Update: Introducing Enhanced Chat SDK Features & Flutter Plugin 

Published On July 16th, 2024 Product News & Updates

We are excited to announce brand new updates and feature releases on our Chat SDK across Android, iOS, and web. In this revamp, we’ve focused on enhancing features to improve end-user’s video, voice and chat experiences. 

It also thrills us to uncover the significant updates we’ve made to our Flutter plugin, majorly on calls—which we will talk about in the second section of the blog. 

What’s New in Our Chat SDKs?

We constantly improvise our SDK features to accommodate new-age chat requirements, make apps more engaging, and serve user functions across plans. 

Feature Releases in Android, iOS & Web

  • Large File Size Upload (up to 2GB)

Image, video, and audio messages make conversations most interactive in an app’s chat service. To facilitate end users sharing voluminous media attachments, we have upgraded our chat SDK to enable the upload/ download of large files of up to 2GB. Users can also pause and resume operations based on Internet bandwidth or other factors. This enhancement has been released across all 3 platforms, Android, iOS, and web. 

  • Improvements in User Busy Status [Android/ iOS]

It is an auto response message one will receive when a user is currently occupied or engaged and may not be available for conversation. The prompt for this User Busy Status can be custom-set and will be on until the user turns it off. 

  • Edit Message Feature

With the new ‘edit message’ option, users will be able to edit any message they’ve sent after 15 mins of time. The edited message will be available for everyone in the chat to see and it will have the tag “Edited” next to its timestamp. 

Chat SDK Optimizations

We are a self-evolving in-app communication suite and make improvements based on user feedback and market trends. We regularly update our SDKs in line with our commitment to improving developer experience and user engagement. 

Here is a quick summary of all the product updates we’ve made in this current version. 


  • Improvement in LeaveGroup
  • Change group admin
  • Username display for calls & chat push messages


  • Grid and Tile view layout support for calls
  • Upgrade of realm 3rd party SDK to the latest version
  • Improvements in the LeaveGroup 
  • Change group admin
  • Username display for calls & chat push messages


  • User message timestamp in MirrorFly server

Enhanced Flutter Plug-in

Flutter’s expressive UI and cross-platform consistency has made it a popular framework for chat app development across niches. In this latest update of our Flutter plug-in, we’ve focused majorly on one-to-one and group calling features. 

Here’s a quick sum up of the release highlights. 

  • Group Calls – allows multiple participants (up to 8) in a simultaneous audio or video call 
  • Invite Participant – adding or inviting more users to the ongoing call
  • Call Logs – a record of incoming, outgoing, and missed calls date, time, duration, and contact information
  • Missed Call – list of incoming calls that are not answered
  • Call Switch – switching from a voice call to a video call and vice versa
  • Config API – to handle configuration settings, specifically related to the license key and API base URL based on the user’s plan
  • Multi-Device Login – allows a user to log in from up to three different devices simultaneously
  • MirrorFly View Widget  – makes the call feature easier to work with, as it handles video/audio rendering itself

We are Developer Driven

An engaging chat functionality is the key to acquiring, retaining, and converting app users to customers. This is exactly why we at MirrorFly make frequent advancements from time to time with new feature releases and product updates, giving developers the opportunity to build chat apps that stand out among its competitors. 

Also, considering the competitive landscape that the app development landscape is, we take every opportunity to be developer-friendly to ease our SDK integration for seamlessness and faster integration across apps. 

For more information on the updates discussed here, feel free to draw inspiration from our documentation and demo apps.

  1. Android Platform: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mirrorfly 
  2. iOS Platform: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/mirror-fly/id1442769177 
  3.  Web: https://web.mirrorfly.com/
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Flutter Messaging SDK Today!

Drive 1+ billions of conversations on your apps with highly secure 250+ real-time Communication Features.

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Saravanan J

Saravanan, a product marketing enthusiast, channels his passion into creating impactful strategies and approaches that redefine the modern messaging experience for users. His wholehearted exploration of in-app communication reflects his commitment to the field.

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