How To Build A Consultation App In 2024? [In Just 10 Steps]

Published On July 26th, 2024 Insights

Have you noticed a big crowd of patients waiting at the doctor’s lobby? A few of them would look really annoyed because all they need is a 2 minute consultation. But what if these non-emergency and non-critical patients are treated remotely?

It reduces the wait times of every other patient, streamlines the consultation process and saves the time of many busy doctors. 

It’s true that businesses have the opportunity to offer consultations remotely. Rather than pushing the customers to exhaust all their time waiting at lobbies, businesses can connect virtually. 

In fact, making it easy for them to connect from their comfortable location at their convenient time. 

Here is a statistical proof of how online consultation apps make it easy to access medical help: 

build virtual consultation app

Doesn’t this sound like a plan? Now, as a business owner, you can achieve this by building your own consultation app. Stop thinking it is hard!

This article introduces you to the easiest way to build your own consultation app with 1000+ features in just a matter of a few hours. 

What You’ll Read Ahead?

  • What exactly is an online consultation app?
  • Steps to build your consultation app.
  • The solution you need for your consultation app development. 

This is going to be interesting. We urge you to stick with us till the end to figure out ideas to build your consultation app.

What Is A Consultation App?

A consultation app is a video conferencing software that connects a customer and a brand remotely to exchange information, discuss opinions or get assistance with a product/ service. This platform makes it easy for customers to meet doctors, advocates, brand agents, or any consultation experts right from the comfort of their homes. 

10 Steps To Build A Consultation App 

Step 1: Perform in-depth Market Survey

You’ve decided to build a consultation app. 

So there are a few prep works you must do before you write your first line of code. Start with a quick homework and collect some really important information including,

  • Who your target audience is, and what they want from your consultation app
  • Your competitors, their strengths and weaknesses
  • What you need to do to make your consultation app stand out from your rivals.

When you are all set with the basic information, it is time to structure your requirement list. 

Step 2: Identify your Requirements

Be it any business – eCommerce, healthcare, legal or tutoring, figure out how exactly you need your app to be. 

Write down the list of features you need to build in your app:


Consultation App: Feature Checklist 

Video conferencing is not just the only feature you need to build your consultation app. There are many other functionalities that will attract and engage your users. 

Here are some of them you’ll can add to your pipeline:

1:1 Voice/ Video CallsOffline messaging
Group Voice/ Video CallsPresence Indicators
Topic-based ChatTyping Indicators
1:1 / Group ChatMedia Storage
Unlimited File SharingActive Speaker Detection
End-to-end encryptionAuto-reconnect
Chat/ Call HistoryAudio output selection
AI ChatbotAdaptive frame bitrate
Profanity FiltersCall Alerts
Chat ModerationJoin via Call link
HIPAA & GDPR CompatibilityJoin via the Call link
video consultation

Want more ideas on the features you need to add to your app? Check out this list before you settle for the next step.

Step 3: Set up your Servers

Working out on the backend needs at the early stage of app development is truly a wise idea. 

You need to select,

  • Domain
  • Servers
  • User account management services 
  • Business logic 
  • Tech stack to build your app backend
  • User authentication
  • Data storage

Editor’s recommendation:

There are 7 ways to host your app: 

  • Shared hosting
  • Virtual Private Server (VPS)
  • Cloud Hosting (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
  • Dedicated Hosting
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Containerization (e.g., Docker) and Orchestration (e.g., Kubernetes)
  • Serverless Computing (e.g., AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Azure Functions).

If you choose to host your app all by yourself in any of these ways, 

You need to review your needs considering the future, and choose the hosting based on the technical expertise your team has to manage the hosting environment. 

But, if you are NOT equipped with this expertise, you can go for third-party cloud hosting options. It is easy to manage and migrate whenever needed.

Step 4: Design your App’s UI

People don’t like clumsy-looking apps. Neither do they prefer an app that is hard to navigate. That’s a good reason why you need to focus on building a clean UI for your app. 

The best way to start with designing an app’s UI is to sketch them out in a paper. Then, when you get the basic idea of how your app looks, create wireframes with tools like Sketch, Adobe XD, or Figma.

Review the design visually:

  • Check if the navigation is easy
  • Communicates easily with the user
  • Is visually appealing

The important part:

Ensure the UI is responsive to different screen sizes and orientations.

Step 5: Set Up Development Environment:

Your app’s backend and UI are ready for their next steps.  Choose the development environment where you need to build your app. 

You can go for Android Studio if you are building an Android app. If you are building an iOS app, you can go for Xcode. 

Next, set up accounts with services like Firebase for authentication and Stripe for payments. 

Step 6: Building your App’s Prototype / MVP

Now is the time for reality. This is the phase where your app gets its shape. Just the way experts recommend, it is never a good idea to build a complete app all at once. It is good to build a minimum viable product (MVP) or a prototype with only the basic functionalities. 

  • This way you can save your time and money, 
  • Test your app, improve it and then add the other advanced features. 

Step 7: Choose a Chat & Video Call SDK

Communication is a key functionality for a consultation app. This adds the extra responsibility to focus on the best communication features and build them into your app. 

But, don’t make up your mind to code it all by yourself. 

Go for pre-built tools like MirrorFly that offers chat, voice and video calling SDKs. 

  • Add the SDK to your app and that’s it! Your app will be equipped with all the communication features within a snap. 

Step 8: Test your App

The best way to build your app in a way your users love it is identifying what works great and what is not. 

The first step to this is unit testing each set of features and individual components. Run the test, identify the bugs and rectify them so that you don’t give a chance for your users to spot them.

Next, conduct integration testing so that you can identify if different parts of the app work well together. 

Finally, beta test your app with real users. Get feedback and identify any potential loopholes or issues with your app. This is the best way to improve the durability of your consultation app without many discrepancies. 

Step 9: Refine Consistently:

Once you test your app, just don’t stop with it. Perform periodic testing, analyze user’s feedback and usage data to make sure to improve your app every now and then. 

Make changes to the features, optimize performance and tweak the UI. Keep making changes until your app meets your standards and expectations. 

Step 10: Deploy & Monitor

When you are done with the testing, and it is good to go as a MVP, go ahead and publish it in the app store/ play store. 

Once your app is up and running without any technical hiccups, create the necessary documentation for your users. 

Check if you meet all the guidelines of Play Store/ App Store.

Now, It’s time to take your app to your users. Publish your app and distribute it through all the channels. 

Check for any post-deployment issues. Also, get feedback from your target users and improve your app. 

So that’s how you build your consultation app, the easy way. 

Types Of Online Consultation Apps You Can Build For Your Business

1. Doctor-patient Consultation App

Let’s Start with How to Build a Doctor-patient Consultation App!

real time messaging solution for healthcare

As technology is progressing, online video chat with a doctor or physician is getting easier day by day. 

Especially in situations where it is not easy for patients to visit doctors in-person, online doctor consultation apps open the doorway to treatments over live video calls.

And the best part is that you can add real-time features like video calling, voice calling, one-to-one chat, file sharing to increase interactiveness between the doctors and patients.

Benefits Of Doctor-Patient Consultation Apps 

  • Creating online interaction between doctors and patients increases the retention of your consultation app.
  • Patients can schedule appointments with doctors on the app. 
  • A quick video chat between doctors and patients can reduce the traveling cost for patients and forge treatments instantly.
  • A VoIP based voice calling feature reduces the burden of Call/SMS charges within the consultation app. 
  • Doctors can share medical prescriptions to patients post a healthcare consult. 

Key Features Of Healthcare Consultation Apps To Improve Patient Engagement

1. Medical Progress Tracking: The objective of every medical consult is to provide the best treatment possible at the right time, conveniently . And tracking the progress of the cure plays a critical role in the whole process. 

2. One-to-one Video Chat for Doctor-Patient Communication: When patients can connect directly to doctors for a consultation, they feel the satisfaction of getting the  assistance they need right from their comfort . 

This increases the app’s engagement and drives patients whenever they need help. 

3. Personalization: A consultation app can be built with personalized features for specific services. 

For example, if there is an app for medical appointment booking, it can be customized with the features that list doctors based on expertise, their achievements and availability. 

So patients can quickly chat with doctors in real-time and get instant advice on their treatment options.

4. Sharing Medical Documents: Patients can share X-rays, prescriptions, medical reports via the app. This makes it easy for doctors to study more about the patient’s medical history and findings about their medical condition. 

5. Secure ePHI with HIPAA Compatible Consultation Apps: When patients communicate with doctors on healthcare apps, they may have concerns on the safety of their personal medical information. 

This is why any healthcare app needs to be compatible with HIPAA – (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). This act ensures that any PHI (Personal Health Information) exchanged is safe and private.  

6. Q&A/Polls: Host an unlimited number of Q&A sessions for patients and medical professionals across the globe. Drive a lot of health-related discussions and engage users effortlessly. 

2. Educational Consultation Apps

Drive Better Collaboration Between Students & Professors”

consultation live chat software for education & elearning industry

The growing popularity of online classes and training is on the surge in recent years.  Apps with virtual and interactive whiteboards makes it easy for teachers to run online classes for their students.  

But there are many other benefits of using an EdTech Consultation App

Benefits Of Educational Consultation Apps 

  • Online tutoring apps with interactive communication features lets you conduct seminars, webinars and training through video conferencing.  
  • These EdTech platforms let students engage with staff and professors through realtime chat to clarify their doubts any time.
  • Students and Staff can share notes, videos, training courses through the consultation software.

Key Features Of EdTech Consultation Apps For Interactive Learning Experiences

  1. Live Tutorials & Interactive Sessions: Teachers can host live sessions for students through apps by integrating live interactive streaming. This makes it easy for students to learn from anywhere in the world. 
  2. Virtual Two-way Communication: With video conferencing, tutors can go live with 100s of students at the same time. They can get instant responses from their students within the education consultation app.
  3. Personalized Learning Experience: Teachers can personalize their online chat rooms/classroom apps just the way it drives the attention of their students.
  4. Secure File Sharing: Trainers and educational professionals can share learning materials, and assignments.

3. Business Consultation Apps

“Business Consults connect strategic experts and clients easily”

consultation chat software for legal & lawyers

Online consultation is an effective way to get expert guidance on business strategies and workflows. 

A business consultation app with features to book and schedule appointments can establish healthy professional relationships in an organizational setting.

Benefits Of Business Consultation Apps 

  • Consultation apps make Client management simple and easy. Clients can connect with experts from any device through video or voice calls.
  • Clients can cut down huge travel expenses.
  • You can remind your clients about upcoming events with push notifications and broadcasting messages right from the app.

Key Features Of Business Consultation Apps For Better Collaboration

  1. One-on-one Video calls With Clients: Effective interaction with your clients helps to understand your client’s overall business difficulties which in return increases your ROI. 

A virtual call with clients whenever it is needed can amplify the trust and loyalty of a business.

  1. Real-time Chat: Consultation apps allow clients to connect with consultants anytime, from any device to solve emergency situations.

 In real-time, businesses can get in touch with multiple clients at the same time. This drastically saves your time and reduces the expenses associated with transportation. 

  1. Secure File Transfer: Teams can share multiple confidential files such as project management, advisory documents, and images.  The business consultation apps ensure that all the files exchanged between users are end-to-end encrypted.
  2. Screencast: Mirroring or screencast helps businesses to host presentations with multiple attendees. Consultants can connect with clients for project updates through personalized video-like interactions.
  3. Video Conferencing: Businesses can host unlimited and secure conferencing through consultation apps. They can connect clients with their team for project discussion, business-oriented consults, webinars and much more.

4. Fitness Consultation Apps

“Reach more fitness enthusiasts with online fitness sessions ”

consultation chat software for fitness, trainer & gym service

With live streaming and video conferencing, fitness consultation apps have reached a lot of clients in recent times. Many fitness freaks practice physical training and exercises with guidance from experts virtually. 

With In-app chat for Fitness apps, trainees can clear their doubts or get in touch with their fitness trainers for Yoga, Meditation, Gym & Fitness tracker, and Diet & Nutrition.

Benefits Of Fitness Consultation Apps 

  • Fitness clubs can deliver personalized training for members with 1:1 and group video chats. 
  • Trainers can offer real-time instructions to trainees via video chat and VoIP-calling. 
  • Reduces the travel cost for trainees with remote and online consultants.

Key Features Of Fitness Consultation Apps To Enhance Collaboration & Attract More Fitness Freaks

  1. Push Notification & Reminders: You can engage fitness enthusiasts  with real-time notifications on any upcoming events or workout sessions. 

With reminders you can help fitness users stay in the loop.

  1. Make Fitness Interactions More Personalized: With the integration of video calls into your fitness consultation apps, you can create a deep and personalized connection with your users/fitness freaks. 

Plus, you can create social networking and build a fitness community through video calling from any device.

  1. In-app Live Streaming: Live streaming feature within your fitness consultation platforms helps to connect with a wide range of audiences irrespective of geographical locations. 

Also Read: How To Build A Live Streaming App In 2023: Complete Guide

  1. Keep Your Fitness Community In Loop: You can host virtual fitness classes and create engagement among your users by creating polls, Q&A sessions. 

These engagement tools amplify interaction among your users. 

“Drive safe banking experiences in real-time, with Consultation Apps”

5. Banking & Finance Consultation Apps

“An improper advisory in finance consultation May lead to non-functional of any organization”

consultation chat solution for banking & financial services

The right financial advice can transform an organization’s growth exponentially irrespective of its size. Most of the financial services handle data associated with income, taxes, funds, and pipeline of investment. 

A consultation app for these platforms require high-end security features, without compromising on interactive functionalities. 

Benefits Of FinTech Consultation Apps 

  • The financial advisors can handle quite a large number of clients from their desks through video and voice calls.
  • Advisory personnels can share insightful data such as taxes, and investment-related information. 

Key Features Of Fintech Consultation Apps To Drive Secure Banking Conversations

  1. Video Call Interactions: Don’t let your finance consultation app do only calculating EMI or Tax expenditures of your clients. Forge virtual connections with your customers and give financial advice they need without leaving your office.
  2. Bills Reminder: Send real-time notifications on bills, taxes to your clients in personalized notifications. Create engaging notifications that let your clients connect with you instantly.
  3. Instant Collaboration for Any Discussion: Allow your clients to connect with you anytime, anywhere and on device with just a tap of a button. Enable your clients to interact in a personalized way through secure messaging services

Build Your Consultation App With MirrorFly

Developing an effective consultation app requires significant time, and resources. Collaborating with a chat solution like MirrorFly can make your app development process easier and go to the market quicker. 

There are 100 reasons why MirrorFly can be your best bet to build consultation apps. Here is a gist covering the topmost of them.

If you’d like to learn further about MirrorFly and its customizable chat solution, you can talk to experts, who will arrange a full demo of the product and how it will work for your consultation business. 

Want more details?, post your questions in the comments below.

Get Started with MirrorFly’s Customizable Chat Features Today!

Drive 1+ billions of conversations on your apps with highly secure 250+ real-time Communication Features.

Contact Sales
  • 200+ Happy Clients
  • Topic-based Chat
  • Multi-tenancy Support

Frequently Asked Questions:

Which platform is best for online medical consultation?

The 9 best online doctor consultation platforms in the global market are:
1. Lybrate
2. Mfine
3. Practo
4. Teladoc
5. Amwell
6. Talkspace
7. HealthTap
8. Lemonaid

Where can I chat online with a doctor for free?

Practo, Medibuddy and Sprint Medical are the best free live chat services that allow you to consult with a doctor online about your health.

Is online doctor consultation helpful?

Yes, you can consult with a doctor online without the need to wait at the doctor’s office for long hours. In fact you do not require an appointment to consult with specialists in a few telehealth apps. These apps are a reliable option for patients to get expert advice without having to commute to healthcare centers. .

What is an online consultation platform?

Online consultation is a meeting that is typically conducted via video calls. It enables patients to connect with doctors from their comfort of their homes. These consultation apps make it simple and convenient to provide or access healthcare anytime, anywhere.

How is online consultation done?

A virtual consultation usually happens through video conferencing on an app. Your patients can communicate with you using their smartphone, tablet, or computer, and you can consult with them using your preferred device via your own app or a third-party app.

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Vigneshwar is a seasoned digital marketer and blogger, extremely passionate about driving search engine visibility for websites. He thoroughly enjoys exploring emerging technologies and is currently honing his expertise in Chat APIs and their associated tech stacks.

152 Comments "How To Build A Consultation App In 2024? [In Just 10 Steps]"

  1. Bhavin says:

    We Have cloud based solutions for doctor OPD consultation… we are looking to integrated video calling and chat solutions in it.

  2. Thomas says:

    We are interested in your chat platform to develop more of a social media environment on the personal profile pages of your members. Please contact me up to midnight New York City time.

  3. Jayaprakasam says:

    We are a start up company into online consultancy services via Voice/Video call with group users. Share me the pricing plan.

  4. henry says:

    Hi, Please could you send me a price list to use your video calling API in commercial app. All the best, Henry

  5. Tolesa says:

    Hi. I am building new social media app which contains ios, Android, and Website, apps in native platform. I want to integrate Chat SDK from MirrorFly. Can share me the pricing because I couldn’t see any price related information from your website. Thanks!

  6. rizwhan says:

    Hello I wanted to use your API in our application , My requirments is : I would like to setup a camera or a mobile device with a camera to broadcast live video to single user in our APP(both ios and android app) what will be easiet method of implementing this using your API. I only need to broadcast live video (video and voice) to a single user at the time .

  7. zaheerkhan says:

    Hello! We’re a small young startup, a nutrition and weightloss focused ios & android app with a telehealth element to it, and would like to use MirrorFly to facilitate communication between expert and user including: 1:1 chat, voice notes, audio call and the other elements associated with chat. We have a small budget and wondering what your pricing is like? Also if it would be possible to schedule a quick call 🙂

  8. jhonyrichard says:

    I need a solution similar to what you have advertised i.e. chat, video calling, file sharing, audio calling, and call record. Following are some requests and questions: a) Can you please share some demo videos? b) Would we get a free trial for some time? c) Can we customize? What all is customizable? Can the customizations be private to me and my users (i.e. you will not be able to see my customizations)? d) In the long run, I will build a custom solution for my app. However, I need services similar to what you are offering at this moment for quick time to market. Is there anything in your license or terms that I can’t create my own custom solution for my app? e) How do you price your product? Is it based on the number of users? If yes, what is your pricing for 50, 100, 500 and 1000 users? What happens if I have taken a plan for 100 users and the user base suddenly increases to 500?

  9. agra says:

    Hi Mirrorfly I’m Agra from Indonesia, and currently my team is developing a local job portal which need a feature of online interview by embed video online call app. Which capable for concurent online meetings. My question is Mirrorfly capable for that feature? Thank You

  10. Naeem says:

    Hi Can you please share pricing for audio and video calling l? We own a matrimony app wanted to use hosted scalable solution right now using on-prem kazoo but facing lot of problem.

  11. kathy says:

    hi, i have a travel agency and i need an account for communication with customers, this account will provide availability to contains a sub users and make many calls in the same time. Does your company provide this service?

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  13. Mehta says:

    I am looking for a 3rd party audio/video calling, chat, file transfer, screen share, etc API and came across Mirror fly. I would like to speak to someone in sales to better understand the product/pricing and its compatibility with my startup. Would be great if someone could connect with me.

  14. Martin says:

    Hello Team, i have search your website from google , As per my requirmenet i need voice calling and voide call service for my client android application that video call or voice call . Our users are from any country or regions . For details please mail me on my email id

  15. Richter says:

    We are looking for a solution to provide our virtual trade fair platform with chat functions. Visitors should be able to talk to exhibitors 1:1 with text, voice or video chat. Each exhibitor provides its own team of agents for the chat. We need to be able to create about 300 chat “rooms”, each with 1 to ~30 agents using some api or import.

  16. xavior says:

    We’re looking for an API that would allow us to establish audio conference rooms with a single user broadcasting video that we can plug into our existing app. Is this something MirrorFly’s API would be a good fit for, and what pricing would we be looking at?

  17. mukesh says:

    We’re looking for new in-game voice and text chat solution for games developed in Gameworld, with studio projects being the pilot ones. I would like to make initial technical evaluation of your product and see if it covers most of our requirements – supported platforms, specific features, feature extensibility, etc.

  18. morad says:

    Hi, We have a new chat website, and we would like to add voice and video calling feature between our VIP ++ members in private messages. our website and we are working on android app also but now we need for website.

  19. sachinjoushi says:

    Hello, I am in the market looking for a vendor for video confernece and chat application. However, I have specific questions to see if your product will meet my requirements. Please let me know if you have a support person whom I can speak with for 10 minutes to go over my needs and determine whether your product can meet that need. Thanks, Fahad Ahmed

  20. Mahesh says:

    Edneed is an education streaming platform and enhancing the video classroom in our platform. I want to know, how does mirror fly work? what about integration?

  21. stevecarell says:

    We are a medical publisher in Australia and looking to build and migrate users into a professional connected platform. Our audience is predominantly GPs and Specialists as well as Allied Health. We are looking as part of that to build a messaging functionality on the site. We are launching in early October with the desktop and mobile optimised view. Let me know if your platform aligns to the below. Some of the options we evaluated – such as Sendbird – don’t have third party integrators or partners and we don’t have the resources either) . So I then did a very deep dive searching for options as we have limited time and came across Trillian. Effectively we are looking to build a socially connected site for the medical profession. We are looking for a solution that can potentially be customised to meet the needs we have on the platform vs a fixed solution we “plug-in” The requirements are below: Must Have Requirements. 1. Ability to work across desktop, mobile optimised (without i-frames) and iOS/Android with a great User experience. 2. Ideally able to integrate for us or via partner network as our team are at capacity. 3. Ability to broadcast messages to users with deep linking to articles on the site without having to log in again. 4. Ability to integrate with our web and iOS apps and provide the capability for users to send 1-1 message. The website is gated, so we don’t require them to then use another login to the platform. It is similar to a LinkedIn style InMail. 5. Have an API so that the platform can talk to the web and mobile app. 6. Ability to send attachments in messages. 7. Ability to get a notifications on new messages. 8. UI OOTB or easy to use and implement UI Kit. 9. Chat. 10. We DO NOT want to deliver the messages to user’s email address. The entire interaction will be exclusively available through the custom UI as listed in point 3 11. As a company, we want to broadcast messages to users; we will build a custom interface for this on our website app. There should be a way for us to group send by using UserID / email address or by a cohort group ( eg all NSW, by postcode/s, Hospital or Local Health Area Network, all GPs. all Cardiologists etc). 12. Users can message without being connected with simple templates ( eg referral or Connection request – to give context e.g Hi, we met at the cardiologist conference in Melbourne last year or Hi Dr X – I am referring a patient to you for your consideration etc). 13. Aligns with Australian Privacy Legislation and is hosted in Australia. 14. Ability to create groups, add and delete members, name group and share files, articles and links. 15. Reporting. Nice to have requirements 1. Ability to voice and video call and mask the number. 2. Schedule calls via calendar We need to select a vendor quickly, so if you can confirm Local cloud storage solutions are an option (Australia on shore), mobile responsive for iOS and approx pricing that would be appreciated.

  22. amitshah says:

    Hi There, We are interested in using your video API, we need support for one to one as well as group video calls, can you please share with us your pricing information.

  23. dongre says:

    Hello, myself Dongre, Director of XUS Pvt. Ltd., we are creating a digital platform for telehealth consultation for which we need a Video API. Our mobile application is in development phase and searching for right Video / chat API. Kindly tell us about your plans for a health care startup.

  24. marlon says:

    We need to add Video Call Help Desk Facility to our application developed in Kony Platform . So Please provide the details about the SDK,API and pricing

  25. harrison says:

    We are looking for healthcare and elearning solutions that we can build brands with and target healthcare clinics. We would like to understand the structure of the product and it’s costs

  26. hemsworth says:

    I have developed a website, that can be used for patients to book doctors. Multi clinic model. I have a php chat available. I want to add video and voice call features. Do you have an option suitable for my business. What are the pricing?

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  28. agita says:

    We are a social enterprise based in Indonesia and currently seeking a platform to enable public to get in touch with our in house psychologist and lawyer through web based live chat, live video and audio call.

  29. sharda says:

    Looking for video api for an android app, that helps in doctor consultation over chat, call and video. Kindly share your pricing for the same. We are looking for hybrid app implimentation using ionic or Flutter.

  30. hassija says:

    Need to do the API integration for my online consultation application and website. Please let me know the process and pricing.

  31. sumit says:

    Can we use Video call feature on Mobile browser. We dont want to build an app at this stage, and would like our users to use their Mobile’s browser to use the video calling feature

  32. Rahman says:

    We are looking for an on-premise solution for audio-video calls. Our MAU is around 4 million. We need technical support and quotation ASAP.

  33. inzamam says:

    Hi there, Hope you are doing well, I would like to get more information on how we can use Mirror Fly video chat SDK for our startup app. Regards inzamam

  34. Garoz says:

    Hi there, We are building a platform for Virtual Fairs. We’d like to use your SDK API for Video Calls and Chat. I’m wondering if you can send me your pricing, cz I´m comparing with other providers. Best Regards

  35. farzad says:

    Hello Sir, We want video conference in our website, Like A doctor and patient meeting, and parent teacher meeting

  36. Dean Aldwinckle says:

    Hello, We are a legal app provider looking to add video calling as our next feature. One of the Solicitor Regulation Authority recommendations for law firms is that all data is processed and stored in the UK. Do you have the facility to use a UK server or would we need to use our own TURN Server as suggested on the website? Kind regards, Jake

  37. Elisa says:

    It is a recruiting :freelancer site where people can log in and find a site. I want to connect the job seeker and the employer. The should be able to send documents, talk by chat with more than one Poole at the time and talk by video chat

  38. Bo von Hohenlohe says:

    I want to develop tiktok like short video sharing app. What can you provide for that. Please give full details specifications and pricing. Thank you.

  39. Great, thanks for sharing this blog.Really looking forward to read more. Really Cool.

  40. roshankumar says:

    Hello, we want to provide internal chatting portal for internal communication in our organization. for testing we can start with 6 apps. if everything will be fine will buy for whole staff. we want also control on communication data. so that whenever there will be requirement for audit by operational security team they will be able to perform. we also want to protect our communication data so that nobody else be able to see or acess it. if testing will be fine will share our complete organization details. hope my requirement is clear. looking forward for your reply. Thanks.

  41. Alejandro Pardo says:

    I am creating an app with features of chat, voice call over internet and video call over internet. I need a way to implement aes encryption and saw your website. I am in need of good solution for encryption and hope to see your services.

  42. richard says:

    I am richard from CDTL. We are seeking for the SDK service provider to develop an apps to grow our business. We have some requirements about our business needs. 1) The Instant Message which can connect to WeChat Work 2) The Voice call / Video call for our sales team to contacting our customers. Our business case which is our sales will sharing their app’s screen to the customer. Also, it will be better while our customer can also using the same screen. 3) The apps must be fulfilling Apple and Google’s term and conditions and the policy. Please kindly share the information and quotation to us. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards,richard

  43. rainer says:

    Hello Wanted to understand where you can help us create an app, similar to callme4 app on Android, where professionals can register and offer paid consultation. The user has to create an account, topup the wallet and a per minute charge gets debited from his/her account and goes to the expert’s wallet.

  44. Nakeva Bryant says:

    we are from Indonesia, our company are currently developing an app that has a chat platform with registered doctors. A registered and validated user can do 1 on 1 chatting with a selected doctor. This chat feature must be paid by the user before going to the chat screen. And the price depends on the duration of each doctors. There’s also an online indicator of each doctors where users can see on the list. We are using React Native chat app as we consider to make cross-platfrom both Android & IOS. Please if there is any samples we can clone and do the demo on our local using the credentials of your provider

  45. ridipkhanal says:

    To Whom it may concern, I am ridip from CD Technology Limited. We are seeking for the SDK service provider to develop an apps to grow our business. We have some requirements about our business needs. 1) The Instant Message which can connect to WeChat Work 2) The Voice call / Video call for our sales team to contacting our customers. Our business case which is our sales will sharing their app’s screen to the customer. Also, it will be better while our customer can also using the same screen. 3) The apps must be fulfilling Apple and Google’s term and conditions and the policy. Please kindly share the information and quotation to us. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards, Kenny Lai

  46. kennylai says:

    Hi Dear I am contacting from Mongolia. I want to use your product in Healthcare. So I need your product’s price. Is it possible build in own server? How to use whitelabel product? Please waiting for your reply. Thank you

  47. smith says:

    Good day, We are currently investigating and comparing chat SDK solutions for future use. What would the pricing be for using your SDK solution for 5k users and 100k users separately? These users will need to chat, call and video call each other and all data needs to be encrypted using e2e encryption. Is there somewhere I can get documentation on your SDK functionality? Kind regards smith

  48. Truly Informative Article you’ve posted here.

    In medical and healthcare industry, Doctor Appointment App can really help hospital to manage the work and help people to get best service without waiting in a queue.

  49. gamil says:

    One of our clients is needs a full-featured text, audio, and video chat between one-on-one for their project’s end-users. We’re considering to develop this project using your platform. Kindly clearify your pricing model and minimum requirements of usage. Thank you.

  50. malek says:

    We would like to build a Healthcare app that would allow patients to do video call consultation with doctors.I want to add your api to my online chat application. Want to know the rates and other info.

  51. Deepak says:

    Please share some brief on integration process and Pricing. • The Video call process is as below o Caller will call from all India on toll free no o First call will landup on Customer care person, he will understand caller details/requirement o CC person or Panel Doctor will Pickup and consult caller o Call should get recorded & Database should be maintained

  52. Sandesh says:

    I am working as a Tech Lead in Edtech. We are working on one non profit project where we need to integrate the chat module. Could you please provide us your quotation and feature list so that I can share with our client.

  53. Elmurat says:

    We want to found a small online language school. For this we need your service “For online education”. We would like to have the following functions: 1. Video conference 2. Screen sharing 3. Video recording 4. Group chat 5. Whiteboard 6. Document release Can you please tell us how all functions are calculated? I look forward to your reply. Thanks in advance!

  54. salmanfazil says:

    We have an educational erp solution with some prestigious clients across kerala, India. We would like to integrate online classroom with our software. Please let me know the options and price details to incorporate your api with our system

  55. Hirishiraj says:

    We are looking for a video solution for conducting mentoring and webinar through videos in our Education platform. Please help me understand the pricing and SDKs available. Thank you!

  56. Hunterwalk says:

    We have a virtual classroom where we conduct online classes. I would like to know the price to use your WebrRTC API for audio/video. We are currently working with Twilio and SimpleWebRTC. Thank you!

  57. Pete Kane says:

    We are a legaltech startup that delivers remote acceso to lawyers and legal services for everyone in North America. We are giving our first stetps so we need a one to one videoconferencing service provider and I´d like to know if you have starter plans, free for testing or something like that. Please let me know, we really appreciate you consider our needs.

  58. anupama says:

    We are looking for an Implementation Partner for chatbot related developments for our 150+ Fintech customers across the Globe. We are into servicing banking solution where customers often comes up with additional requirements. It would be great to colloborate to better serve our customer with end to end solutions.

  59. krishanakumar says:

    Hi Team,
    I am in the process to develop an application that deals in live broadcasting. I was evaluating Agora. Can you please suggest how we can go ahead? My requirement is as below:-
    1) Live Broadcasting (Nudity to be controlled automatically)
    2) Group Broadcasting up to 6 People (Voice or Video simultaneously)
    3) PK Function
    4) Live broadcast room Chat.
    (Need support for auto moderation) 5) One to one private chat. (Need support for auto moderation, any abuse to be prevented) Will be waiting for your reply.

  60. Jaime Kon, says:

    We are a healthcare startup looking to integrate HIPAA-compliant in-app chat to our current app experience. We have a native iOS and Android app and we are looking for a way to better manage coach/patient relationships through one-to-one chat channels.We Need integrate video conferencing in own website … can it possible .. Please help me for integration ..

  61. dizibing says:

    Hi, I am starting a service of personalized 1:1 tutoring video call service. I need screen sharing, youtube integration, chat, and admin account to schedule and analyze performance of the tutors. It is intended to teach English as a second language

  62. sachin says:

    Hey Team,I am looking forward to get a platform developed for my Education based needs and wanted to talk to you about that. I saw your Mirrorfly and Vplayed work and liked it. My aim is to make a community learning Platform where teachers can teach using Online means, have a messaging platform and a kind of facebook type feed for the users. There are a few other things also that we’ll need which I shall convey to you and discuss with you how the process shall work

  63. robin says:

    Hi, We are working on a commercial proposal for a EdTech software project for one of our clients. We are working on a software which will be used in educational institutions (schools / colleges) for enabling students to take long distance virtual classes. We want to evaluate how we can integrate Mirrorfly software to do the Communication part (Audio Calling, Video Calling, Chatting, etc.) Can you please provide us detail as to what is your licensing model?

  64. Hernandez says:

    Hello, Can you please give me the price list for the Chats services of all the forms:, Text, audeo, and video and VOIP calling to Pakistan. I need to know if your services of broadcast screaming test insert the life chat

  65. Like!! Great article post.Really thank you! Really Cool.

  66. roman says:

    Mirrorlfy Team, I am an EdTech Start-up company. I am currently developing a mobile application and website to offer educational services – as such I would like to understand more details about the Apphitecht Video API, namely in terms of pricing and features offered. I would also be interested in the cloud recording features as well. Please do let me know the best way to proceed. Thank you,

  67. sheerysingh says:

    I am working on building an app which would be really benefitted with video and voice chat. I would like to understand the cost for the SDK/API for both of these. Can you please share the quotes and the timeline you have generally seen it takes to integrate these in a typical mobile app/web.

  68. Mohitkumar says:

    We’re looking to implement a chat & feed in our existing apps – web and native iOS & Android. Our products are CRM releated, which means that the usage is b/w our customers and their customers.

  69. meerimom says:

    We want to have 1 to 1 chat and group chat along with screen recordings and sharing. Our users should be able to create groups. We have two types of groups public and private. Public group is free to join but private group is a paid group if you want to join private group, you need to pay the admin of the paid group via a payment gateway. Let us know if your api can work seamlessly with our system. Our website technology is based on Angularjs and nodejs

  70. Tonymay says:

    I am currently developing a online lawyer consultancy website whereby lawyers would need to communicate to their clients using a messaging service. Some addtional features should include the ability to send and receive documents securely, voice call and video call. I anticipate maybe 500 lawyers each having 5 clients. How much would be the estimated cost for something like this?

  71. Samuel says:

    Need to integrate video and chat in virtual classroom solution we are building. Want to be able to live broadcast with real time chat and virtual whiteboard to up to 5000 students per class. Classes last for 1 hour

  72. Dominic says:

    I am looking a replacement for TokBox. AV and Text Chat. 1. Pricing 2. Stability 3. Low Bandwidth and Latency support 4. Technical Requirements 5. APIs and SDKs 6. Technical support, priority support Is this streaming based SDKs? How can I create meetings? Is host needed? Need any registration for host?

  73. Alexmousiadis says:

    Hello! My team and I are in the middle of building an app that will require the use of chat messaging, voice, video and screenshare features. I would like to speak with someone regarding a couple specific questions on the features as well as the pricing. Please give me a call at anytime to discuss. Thank you for your help.

  74. Mustafa says:

    Hi, i am designing a system that will require teachers to connect with their students via video and to be able to send messages. We want to integrate video chatting, conferencing with recording features,What are the costs of your servcies ? Kind regards

  75. will schulz says:

    Hi, I’m developing a e-learning tool in Italy. So, I will need a tool to implement video meetings (1 to 1 person meet). How can I do know your pricing model? Thanks a lot. Regards will schulz

  76. Tobias says:

    We have a client that would like us to build a custom teletherapy solution to integrate into their existing application. Two of the primary features they need are video and multi-user whiteboard capability in the session.

  77. firdaus says:

    We are a travel technology company based in Newyork. Among others, we have an app-based application for travel business operations. Basically, this a platform for travel business operation (medium to large group tours) where the tour operator can set up tours and give access to various details related to the tour to the travellers who are taking the tour. The details of the tour are made available to the app available on Android and iOS. In the app (Android & iOS) we have an option for chat and we would like to use Mirrorfly for this purpose. The question is how to calculate users? Typically, the tours are of 5-10 days long. During this period a traveller will use the app, do chatting and all and as the tour ends the purpose of chatting will end too as the traveller can chat only with people within the tour group and the tour admins. So, typically a user will remain active in chat 2 days before and 2 days after the tour. So, if we activate certain number of user for duration, deactivate them after that, how our user-count will look? Please reply as we want to start asap

  78. Ryan getz says:

    I would like to add a chat functionality to mobile APP / website in live streaming video. the message text can be filtered? We need to filter some chinese character before display to all live viewer.

  79. legrand says:

    Hi, I want to add speech to text recognization to show text whatever user speaks in app that also has video calling at the same time with a shared screen with another user. Is this feature is available in your sdk. Or it is achievable in it. Thank you.

  80. joypeacock says:

    Hi Mirrorfly, I’m looking for a basic chat app with audio / video call to be embedded to our landing page (classrooms). This is to provide the ability for our guest to speak to us, call or video call us during a live streaming session

  81. Amitsingh says:

    We are developing a Hybrid App (React Native) for a client based in NSW, Australia. Looking for a reliable chat platform which will have the following functionalities: 1. Real-Time (One to One and Group Chat) 2. Push notifications 3. Emoji, Text & Images

  82. vinocent says:

    I need to integrate Audio. Video, Chat & Screen share feature to my android app. Is it possbile to do that by using MirrorFly?

  83. Alan says:

    I’d like to know your plans, I’d like to develop an application for chat and I’d like to include the video call and audio call to the app. I’m also developing an elearning platform wich requires a broadcasting support, I saw you provide both of them. We are a small group of 2 developers with just 2 projects for now, but we want to focus on this. Thank you for your time.

  84. Nagle says:

    We’re developing an app called Tenancy to connect landlords and tenants in new ways. We’d like to integrate a chat API into our app to allow landlords and tenants to chat in realtime. We’d like the users within our app to be linked to a dedicated user in the chat app for direct one-to-one communication only, not open channels or chat rooms. Being a new app development process, we also require the ability to integrate the full API for beta testing with up to 200 users before committing to a contract or any payments. Also, flexible growth-based pricing would be preferred to automatically scale to our user base without being charged overages. Looking forward to your response

  85. Florin says:

    Private chat app with end to end encryption for chat, calls and video calls that is 100% hosted locally. The platform need to have a campaign management connected to it to send notifications to users based on their segment. Maybe we will require to collect some user entered Data to segment the base (nationality, birth date, Geo location which can be collected by allowing location service on the device from the first use only).

  86. edwin says:

    I’m building an app that requires users to be able to call each other inside the app. I’d also like one user to be able to call another who is not in the app, and they still receive the notification as if it’s an actual call (probably with CallKit). Is this the kind of thing your service is for?

  87. Hareesh says:

    Hello team, we are looking to add doubt sessions or online(virtual) classes to our platform to teach the students who are preparing for competitive exams. We are interested to know the pricing of mirrorfly product and feature details. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  88. ampatui says:

    We’d like to embed a video-chat-messaging-pictures exchange feature in our web-based Medical Practice Management app. Our Clients (Doctors) are day by day increasing the usage of Whatsapp to deal with their patients and to carry out remote visits. We’re looking for a platform that doesn’t need to ask the patient to install anything on their smartphones/tablets, that’s why I mentioned Whatsapp (that more or less everybody has already on the phone). Pls let me know, thanks

  89. sunilkumar says:

    Hi A client of our agency needs to add chat capabilities between registered users to their website. They want to be able to moderate the conversations. The platform will be built with Laravel 6. Is this possible with your product? how much this will cost? Thank you

  90. Dason says:

    Hi We are developing an education web app and now looking for video chat api provider. Could you please sent me your price and features list. Thank you.

  91. Tamzid says:

    We want integrate our software with a Video Call, with send and receive documents, chat, record, and room control. One to One (ex: medical to patient) . Hipaa compliance. We want to know how much it’s this integration, and if you already have anything to propose any aceleration ?

  92. kumar says:

    I am an android developer and I want to develop an android application for Video/Audio chat for a teacher. He has almost 20-30 student so he wants to take online classes with the android application. Please send me further details to develop this application. Thank you Kumar

  93. sunilrai says:

    Hello, We are currently benchmarking various real-time chat solutions for some new features we are working on. Would it be possible to access the technical documentation of your SDKs or APIs in order to check if your product could satisfy our needs ? Thank you, Best regards sunilrai

  94. Charles says:

    Greetings, we are IT company and deliver CRM, ERP solutions for ortho clinics. We want to enable them individually to have the ability to make online consultations to their patients through our platform (only video chat). If we could integrate your api into our products, buy minutes every month and give them the minutes individually that would be perfect. What is our solution?

  95. Scootlee says:

    We have a project of online consultation and training, we have 2 types of services in this project: 1- consultation through chat and audio with attachments 2- online workshops and lectures, where we need online video streaming with attendees interaction, chat, attachment, screenshare, and on-screen draw like a whiteboard.Thanks in advance

  96. Jon says:

    Greetings, Just briefly looking over your services, I’d like to know more about your company in providing video/text messaging services. We want to create a zoom/skype type of program for desktops and mobile for my healthcare business

  97. cassian says:

    We are building a eHealth platform using REST API’s and React Native APP for both Android and iOS and within our scope of mediatiing care. When our clients need to talk to therapists, we would like to use your solution in order to provide video chat solutions within our own APP/system. What would it cost, can you give us test / dev. accesss etc.

  98. vasudevan says:

    I am looking for a chat sdk for iOS application. I would like to know about the pricing of Mirrirfly chat SDK.We want to buy package for video/audio calls , screen share and chat to use your apis to integrate in our web application

  99. Vikas Singh says:

    Hi I have elarning tool build in php, jquery , I would like to use chat, voice calling and video calling, what kind of feature you have , how much your product costs, how can we integrate and is there a demo to check, please let me know . Thanks

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Vikas, about our solution – we are the real time communication API and SDK i.e., we handle all together – voice, video and chat. We have over 150 + chat features with custom feature options as an addition depending upon business need. Even our solution can be easily integrated into any existing device, mobile, web app. Alongside, we do provide demo version to our clients for a better view about the our solution. Hope this would have helped you. To know more about cost and other things, feel free to contact us. Thanks!

  100. belski says:

    Hello, I would like to know the pricing of MirrorFly SDK. I’m developing the application that will have a chat inside and I’m looking for the best solution.

  101. maha says:

    We are looking to develop a mobile app with In-app video chat feature. Can you let me know the pricing for the On-premise solution and do you provide any cloud trial account?

    1. Masi says:

      Hello Maha, good to know about your in-app video chat development for mobile. We provide self-hosting features with both on-cloud as well as on-premises as per the clients requirement. Furthermore, we do provide a trial version of our API and SDK. Feel free to contact us to know further. Thank you!

  102. sherif says:

    I checked your Healthcare Communication App including the one to one video call features. I’m working in developing the same features. I want to know your pricing.

  103. Elie says:

    Hello, I would like to get more details concerning the pricing of the education product you provide containing the audio, video, chat and all the other features. I would like also to know more about the mobile SDK integration. Do you support Xamarin forms ? Thank you

  104. nahas says:

    I am looking for a vendor who can provide voice and video services for health domain based app. We need HIPPA compliance vendor. It’s for US client so I am looking for server location and data security. It will be great if you can share price quote for required service. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks, nahas

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Nahas, thanks for your interest in building a healthcare messaging app with our chat API. Our healthcare chat API is with complete HIPAA complaint, so you can be sure with regards to its usage with for your US clients. Kindly, contact us to know more about the pricing and other related issues. Looking forward to connect further. Good Luck!

  105. amitgujar says:

    Hi I have elarning tool build in php, jquery , I would like to use chat, voice calling and video calling, what kind of feature you have , how much your product costs, how can we intergrate and is there a demo to check, please let me know . Thanks

  106. Yashodhan says:

    We are looking to add video calling to our patient management application and are looking at white labled video calling API’s for integration. Please send pricing and other details.

  107. kamila says:

    I team I am interested in a chat solution which is hosted on mutiple pages on my website. Each page does promotions for a given brand and there are multiple people sitting behind the page as agents for the page. As multiple customer login and navigate to the page the group chat starts. At any point if a customer becomes more interested in purchasing or knowing more about the product one of the agents spins a private chat with the interested customers. This scenario is there on multiple pages on my website. I would like the chat solution to be integrated into an iFrame on my pages and also there should be white labelling option in the solution. Also the customers who are opneing the chat window I should provide their login ID as their user name in the chat solution. Please let me know if this is possible.

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Kamila, Your messaging service simply sounds great with so many specific features. I am proud to let you know that out in app chat API & SDK do satisfy all your needs. Even it can be integrated easily into any existing app that includes iOS, Android & web app. Do contact us to proceed further.

  108. maxwell says:

    Greetings I’m requesting for custom messenger app for Apple and Android as Below specs : Group chat Send and receive files images videos. 2.voice call Person to person Group calling up to 25 persons in the same call. 3. Video calling Person to person Group video calling up to 25 persons in the same call. A waiting for your response. Regards Maxwell

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Maxwell, Good to hear your interest on building your custom messenger API with us. Our real time chat API & SDK can provide all these features for your Apple and Android. Feel free to contact us to proceed further. Thanks you!

  109. Rohit says:

    1) We are developing web application in ASP.NET MVC (razor view) and JQuery. We wanted to integrate voice and video conferencing tool which should have standard features such as private voice / video call, conference voice / video call, recording voice / video calls, sharing screen to private / conference, sharing files private / conference.
    2) We may also customize the default mirrorfly voice and video conferencing UI design.
    3) Do you have any online documentations to integrate ASP.NET MVC (razor view)
    4) Please let us know pricing

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Rohit, Yes! we do provide the documentation to integrate our in app messaging SDK into any existing application for mobile and web app. To know more kindly contact us to proceed further. Thanks You!

  110. Jugalsalva says:

    We would like to develop an application that is IOS and Android friendly. In general, the purpose of the app is to facilitate online booking consultation services for the app users. The app should contain the following features for the service users: Login to account, logout, password reset Application for user English and Arabic browsing languages Splash screen when app is opened Search bar with specific filters (ex. By service provider, by availability) List of service providers with a profile of speciality Ratings and reviews of service providers Book consultations with service provider in person or via video/audio call in the app Book follow up consultations Service providers can upload certain documents Video call feature Audio call feature Payments (via card) Terms of use Privacy policy A separate interface would be needed for the service provider in order to manage and cancel bookings. Based on the above features, we would like to have an estimate of the approximate cost and time of developing such an app.

  111. francesca says:

    Hey. We’re a startup based in USA in the online therapy space. We’re looking for a secure white label communication platform that has chat and video calling built-in for our customers and therapists. Please get in touch with me to discuss this further.

    Email; kara***

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Francesca, thanks for connecting with us. Since ours is a whitelabel chat app, as you preferred will enable you to get connected to your customers and therapists via chat , video and voice calling in the most interactive way. And ofcourse our team will contact you asap to proceed futher with the discussion. Thank you!

  112. prashan says:

    I am looking a solution to integrate in my web application which is going to provide video conferencing solution. For example, i have doctors associated with me. People search for a doctor and have video call with them to consult through my platform. Their can be multiple users in single room.

  113. john says:

    Hi My name is John, I am working on the development of a new mobile app for a startup on Uk. The scope of the project includes a functionality for users to request a video call with one of our medical specialists. Just to clarify, the complete flow is the following:
    1. Users requests a call. The app displays a list of available doctors and their schedules.
    2. User pick a schedule and must perform and anticipated payment.
    3. Once payment is confirmed, both user and doctor receive an email with the details of the meeting. This email should include instructions to join the video call.
    4. Once the call is completed user receives an email with summary of the meeting and further instructions.

    We are looking for a provider for the videocall functionality and would like to know If your service can meet the requirements.

    1. Calls would have an average duration of 45 minutes and rarely exceed the hour. Anyways the call should be terminated.
    2. The user will join the meeting from his cell phone. He should not be required to download other app.
    3. Doctor should join meeting from his phone too. However, if your service could allow him to join from a pc too would be great. Some additional questions that we are interested in are: • ¿Does your service include a channel for support? ¿Do you have a team that could answer requests on Spanish?

    • What pricing plans do you have? Our app will be released in a couple of months. We expect a flow of no more than a thousand videocalls per month for the first months.
    • The app is developed on Expo (a hybrid framework for mobile development) and will be released for Android an IOs. Does your service provide an API? An SDK?
    • Have you measure performance on South America territory? What is the required bandwidth for a fluid videocall?

    I await your response

    Many thanks

  114. Nagireddy says:

    Dear Team,
    Let us know the pricing details of in-app voice / video / text chat feature. We are building a new app for consultations and these features are required.

  115. brian says:

    we are a service provider where we bring consultants together with our clients who require support. Our need is to be able to provide our clients with the ability to speak with consultatants on a pay per min basis using video chats and we will be paid a small amount of the per min fee

  116. Tejsin says:

    Hi, We are developing end to end digital work management platform for business. For now, our app doesn’t have video call, conferencing etc. We want to add these features, quickly. So, want to discuss your comments and proposal. Have a nice day,

  117. Coetzer says:

    We need live stream chat support as well as in-app messaging for a future project we are working on. The live stream chat needs to cater for one-on-one chats, channel chats, group chats and private channel chats. Time is of an essence to please get back to us ASAP

  118. hassan says:

    We want your chat & voice API access for our upcoming telemedicine app development project. Please update us on your documentation and pricing. Looking forward to hear from you soon.

  119. gandhi says:

    Want to integrate MirrorFly API to our Android App and Web product for teachers to be able to deliver virtual lectures and hold counseling sessions. There will be about 200 students simultaneously taking a class/attending sessions

  120. Nicholas says:

    Hello, currently we are developing our own internal chat app that specifically cater for health industry. We have experienced doing a full customization chat app on Pubnub (HIPPA compliance) and also Qiscus under React Native for few of our clients. We would like to ask few questions: 1. is this solution similar to Pubnub? 2. how does it compare? the SDK offered all the features that you mentioned on the website? 3. is this HIPPA Compliance solution? 4. it can be installed on-premise? 5. what’s the pricing package? 6. what’s the technology being used in mirrorfly? thanks!

  121. Amy Johnston says:

    my business needs an in-built chat app for best customer experience. We need to be able to add and remove members from a group chat in real time. We need a CHAT API that we can leverage on that provides, text, voice, video, notifications, etc. could you help me ASAP

  122. Lindsay Allmand says:

    Hello, I am looking to build an international web app that would allow to have multiple group video calls (up to 7 participants in each group). does your API support that? what would be the pricing for that? thank you.

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Lindsay, Hope you are doing well! yes, our real time communication solution do provide the facility to support multiple group video call and do support your needs. To have a better explosure about you can contact us and have a detailed discussion with our profound professionals to proceed further. Thank you!

  123. El Shukr says:

    We are looking to build a chat app for mobile and web to use in education and not for profit organizations.

    1. Masi says:

      Hi El Shukr, Thanks for your interest in our in app chat application. Our instant chat solution is the most reliable and versatile one that can be integrated in to any existing application. It is compatible for both mobile and web app. Kindly contact us to proceed futher. Thanks!

  124. Graham says:

    We are in the process of building a scheduling application in the education sector. We would like to add the functionality of video chat between users, and this seems to fit what we are looking for!

  125. preetkunal says:

    I want to make an doctor patient consultation app with features like video calls and audio calls. I wanted to know if there is an option where I can make a POC using your service and if it suits, then further go with the billing and other stuff?

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Preetkunal, Glad to know about your interest in building a doctor patient consultation app. Yes! our real time chat API & SDK can facilitate both video and audio calling option in your application. To enquire more in detail you can contact us to proceed further. Thank you.

  126. christ says:

    Hello, I am christ from whatnext. We are working on a project with the Roche Pharma and we are looking for a solution to offer a video conferencing service to Roche’s customers. This future service will have a worldwide coverage and it expect an important number of sessions. In the process to find a provider, we have selected your services as a candidate. But, before to plan a demo, we would need to solve some doubts. Please find below a list of questions: -Is it possible to integrate it with our systems, how does it work? Do you have an SDK or an API? Any kind of documentation you can share with us, would be great. -Does it support integration with web apps and mobile apps? -About customization, if integration is possible can we embed it into our apps and customize the look and feel? -How many clients do you have? -Do you have any presence in Europe and US? -Is your service HIPPA and GDPR Compliance? -Is possible to integrate your services with Identity solutions such as Gigya? -In the case that we need to share sensitive data with your system, do you have any system to ensure the data privacy? -Does your services support Billing services? -Does your services support register text information during the video conference? How are these things saved? -Does your services support Payments integration, which one? -Does your services support chat? -Does your services include calendar with appointments? We will appreciate if you could answer these questions before to have a demo and please, don’t hesitate to contact me if you need further information.

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Christ, Good to hear about your project and we feel pleased that you have considered us too to be a part of your project. As reply to your queries,
      Our solution is 100% customizable one that can be integrated into any existing software easily that includes iOS, Android, and web applications.
      We provide both SDKs as well as APIs as per your requirement.
      We do provide documentation with which you can integrate our solution into your existing app for mobile and web applications.
      We have stretched our wings across the world. With that we have 40+ successful use cases globally. When it comes to the US and Europe, our application does support the HIPPA and GDPR Compliance. So, you can be relaxed and simply enjoy the cons of CONTUS MirrorFly solution by integrating it into your software.
      Yes Christ, our solution does support all the criterias that you have asked for. You can have them in detail by visiting our website
      Your concern about data storage and sharing, we offer on cloud as well as on premises infrastructure depending upon our client requirements. One of our missions is to provide end-to-end security no matter where the data has been stored.
      We do custom features if you need some in specific as per your business requirement. You can have your ideas shared with us.

      I hope this will have given you a clarity about our solution and features. Furthermore you can contact us @

  127. sashabrain says:

    Hi, We are building an educational platform and considering using your video conferencing service Our service is going to provided from UAE, As we know some video and audio services are not working in UAE due to some regulations maybe So the question is, does your video and audio service work in UAE and Saudia Arabia reliably? Thanks

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Sashabrain. Good to hear about your educational platform, the most needed one at the present circumstances. Our solution is built accepting worldwide regulations and will support your application at UAE and Saudi Arabia, to the core. Thank you!

  128. Michael Olalere says:

    I would like to build an app with for personal trainer to train client in real time via video conference, one to one option or group option. Client can buy monthly packages or single training packages. Trainers can manage their payment, schedule and receive tips on the app as well. Please let me know if that’s possible

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Michael, Absolutely! Our solution can be the ultimate choice for you. We offer all kinds of features as per your business needs. So, just relax and have a look @ to have a better clarity about your needs and let us know to proceed further. Thanks!

  129. ren says:

    We are seeking a solid In-App Chatting SDK for fitness usage. Besides the basic chatting function, we also need a booking system for fitness trainers to schedule their available time. I am writing to you to ask if mirrorfly can fit our requirements? Thank you

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Ren, that’s really great. Yes! Of course our solution is a reliable one that can fit your requirements. We have almost more than 150 + features you can choose from. Just have a look at for better clarity and let us know about your needs further. Thank you!

  130. Kunal deep says:

    We want to integrate voice and video call into our telemedicine app, where users can with a number or any means reach a doctor, conference call. What will be the cost for this feature and please share your pricing details ASAP

  131. Ram says:

    Honestly this article is the best explanation about understanding of in-app chat for every app.

    1. Masi says:

      Hey Ram,
      thanks a lot for taking the time to write this comment

  132. Paul whitehead says:


    I have a fitness app similar to a “Calorie Trackers” I need the following features in my app

    1. Create a community channel with in-app chat communication
    2.In-App subscriptions of 1 month, 3 months or 12 months.
    3.Push-notifications options for sharing diet chart daily basis

    let me know you have the features are in Mirrorfly.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Paul, thanks a lot for taking the time to write this comment

      Mirrorfly fit for all your requirements, and also Mirrorfly having some unique futures have a look

  133. Sachin Kale says:

    Nice Article.
    Also Visit: meddco where you can book an appointment with doctor online also you can find surgery packages at affordable prices.

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Sachin, thanks a lot for taking the time to write this comment

  134. Merlin says:

    I’d like congress to author for updating this article ,but you are mentioned features only your article,please explain more how to integrate real-time communication features in fitness app.i’m waiting for your response

    1. Masi says:

      Hi Merlin, thanks a lot for taking the time to write this comment, next post will cover all your mentioned queries

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