User Busy Status


User can set their busy status upon his preference. When busy status is enabled if any message is received to the user, the busy message is sent automatically to the sender of the message.

Enable/Disable User Busy status#

User can enable and disable their busy status using the below method.

FlyCore.enableDisableBusyStatus(ENABLE_BUSY_STATUS,(isSuccess, throwable, data)->{
if (isSuccess) {
// busy status enable/disabled updated successfully
} else {
// updation failed print throwable for more info
ENABLE_BUSY_STATUSbooleantrue enables busy status and false disables busy status

Set User Busy status#

User can set the busy status message for their one to one chat conversation using the below method.

FlyCore.setMyBusyStatus(BUSY_STATUS_TEXT,(isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
// Busy status message updated successfully
// updation failed print throwable for more info
BUSY_STATUS_TEXTStringbusy status text cannot be longer than 140 characters

Get User Busy settings status#

User can get their busy settings status by calling the below method.


Get current user busy status#

User can get their current user busy status using the below method.

BusyStatus myBusyStatus = FlyCore.getMyBusyStatus();

Refer this doc to know more about BusyStatus Class

Check user busy status is enabled#

User can check whether their busy status is enabled or disabled.

boolean isMyBusyStatusEnabled = FlyCore.isBusyStatusEnabled();

Get the list of user saved busy statuses#

User can get their list of previously saved user busy statuses by calling the below method.

List<BusyStatus> myBusyStatusList = FlyCore.getBusyStatusList();

This list also contains some pre defined values.

Delete User Busy status#

User can delete their busy status by calling the below method.

USER_BUSY_STATUSBusyStatusObject of the user busy status that has to be deleted

User cannot delete a busy status which is currently selected.