Forward Messages

Forwarding feature helps the app users to share the single/multiple messages to one or more users.

Forward messages to single user#

if you want to forward the messages for the chat user, you can utilise the below method.

MESSAGE_ID_LISTList<String>list of message id's
TO_JIDStringjid of the chat user for single chat, ChatTypeEnum.groupchat for group chat, ChatTypeEnum.broadcast for broadcast
CALLBACKChatActionListenercallback to observe the action status
ChatManager.forwardMessages(MESSAGE_ID_LIST, TO_JID, CHAT_TYPE, (isSuccess, message) -> {

Forward messages to multiple users#

if you want to forward the messages to the multiple users, you can utilise the below method.

MESSAGE_ID_LISTList<String>list of message id's
ROSTER_LISTList<String>jid list of the chat users
CALLBACKChatActionListenercallback to observe the action status
ChatManager.forwardMessagesToMultipleUsers(MESSAGE_ID_LIST, ROSTER_LIST, (isSuccess, message) -> {