
Block a User#

To block a user call the below method.

    try ContactManager.shared.blockUser(for: JID_TO_BLOCK){ isSuccess, flyError, flyData in
    if isSuccess {
    //User is blocked update the UI
    } else{

    If block user feature unavailable for your plan then below methods will throw 403 exception.

    JID_TO_BLOCKStringJID of the user
    CALLBACKFlyCompletionHandlerFlyCompletionHandler used as completion Handler

    Unblock a user#

    To unblock a user who is blocked already call the below method.

      try ContactManager.shared.unblockUser(for: JID_TO_UNBLOCK){ isSuccess, flyError, flyData in
      if isSuccess {
      //User is unblocked update the UI
      } else{

      If unblock user feature unavailable for your plan then below methods will throw 403 exception.

      JID_TO_UNBLOCKStringJID of the user
      CALLBACKFlyCompletionHandlerFlyCompletionHandler used as completion Handler

      Blocking and Unblocking valid for Single chat user only not for Group/Broadcast.

      Get user profiles that you blocked#

      To get the list of chat user profiles that you blocked call the below method.

        ContactManager.shared.getUsersIBlocked(FETCH_FROM_SERVER){ isSuccess, flyError, flyData in
        var data = flyData
        if isSuccess {
        let blockedprofileDetailsArray = data.getData() as! [ProfileDetails]
        } else{

        If block user feature unavailable for your plan then below methods will throw 403 exception.

        Refer Class documentation to know about ProfileDetails Class

        FETCH_FROM_SERVERtrue to fetch from server false will fetch from local databaseBool
        CALLBACKFlyCompletionHandlerFlyCompletionHandler used as completion Handler

        Note : To make server call internet connection is required

        Get user profiles that blocked you#

        To get the list of single chat user that blocked you call the below method.

          ContactManager.shared.getUsersWhoBlockedMe(FETCH_FROM_SERVER){ isSuccess, flyError, flyData in
          var data = flyData
          if isSuccess {
          let blockedprofileDetailsArray = data.getData() as! [ProfileDetails]
          } else{

          If block user feature unavailable for your plan then below methods will throw 403 exception.

          Refer Class documentation to know about ProfileDetails Class

          FETCH_FROM_SERVERtrue to fetch from server false will fetch from local databaseBool
          CALLBACKFlyCompletionHandlerFlyCompletionHandler used as completion Handler

          Note : To make server call internet connection is required

          Mute user/Group#

          If you want to mute the notifications for the chat of a user or a group, you can utilise the below method.

            ChatManager.updateChatMuteStatus(jid: jid, muteStatus: muteStatus)
            MUTE_STATUSBooltrue, if you want to mute notifications for the chat

            Media File Encryption#

            Media files can be encrypted before uploading them to the server by calling the below method.By default media file encryption is disabled.

              ChatManager.setMediaEncryption(isEnable: "ENABLE")
              ENABLEBoolif true media files will be encrypted

              Report a user or group or message#

              Reporting is a feature which allows users to report a user or group or message.

              Getting Messgages To report by user Jid#

                let reportMessage : ReportMessage? = ChatManager.getMessagesForReporting(chatUserJid: chatUserJid, messagesCount: 5)

                If report message feature unavailable for your plan then below methods will throw 403 exception.

                chatUserJidStringjid of a user or groupJid
                messagesCountIntcount of messages to be reported
                ReportMessageReportMessage structReportMessage is a model to be passed while reporting messages

                Getting Messgages To report from selected message#

                  let reportMessage : ReportMessage? = ChatManager.getMessagesForReporting(message: message, messagesCount: 5)

                  If report message feature unavailable for your plan then below methods will throw 403 exception.

                  messageChatMessageselected ChatMessage
                  messagesCountIntcount of messages to be reported from selected message
                  ReportMessageReportMessage structReportMessage is a model to be passed while reporting messages


                  To report call below method.

                    ChatManager.reportMessage(reportMessage: reportMessage) { isSent in

                    If report message feature unavailable for your plan then below methods will throw 403 exception.

                    reportMessageReportMessageReportMessage modle to be passed to report
                    isSentBooltrue if success. false if failure

                    Handling Banned User/Group#

                    Banning a user or group is a feature. A user or group can be blocked or unblocked from console. This is applicable to logged in user, contacts of logged in user and groups

                    Note: Xmpp must be connected

                    Current / Logged in user#

                    To get blocking/unblocking event of current/logged in user, confirm viewcontroller or Appdelegate to below protocol.


                      // This will return true or false to check current user is blocked or unblocked.
                      // It can be used, while coming from background or opening the app or wherever
                        let adminEmail = ""
                        // support email is defined in StringConstants File.

                        In Appdelegate#

                          func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
                          ChatManager.shared.adminBlockCurrentUserDelegate = self
                          return true
                          extension AppDelegate : AdminBlockCurrentUserDelegate {
                          func didBlockOrUnblockCurrentUser(userJid: String, isBlocked: Bool) {
                          if isBlocked {
                          // if logged in user is being blocked this coditon will execute
                          // do your UI stuffs here
                          } else {
                          // if logged in user is unblocked this coditon will execute
                          // do your UI stuffs here
                          func didBlockOrUnblockGroup(groupJid : String, isBlocked : Bool) {
                          func didBlockOrUnblockContact(userJid : String, isBlocked : Bool) {

                          In ViewController#

                            override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
                            ChatManager.shared.adminBlockCurrentUserDelegate = self
                            override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
                            ChatManager.shared.adminBlockCurrentUserDelegate = nil
                            extension <View Controller Name> : AdminBlockCurrentUserDelegate {
                            func didBlockOrUnblockCurrentUser(userJid: String, isBlocked: Bool) {
                            if isBlocked {
                            // if logged in user is being blocked this coditon will execute
                            // do your UI stuff here
                            } else {
                            // if logged in user is unblocked this coditon will execute
                            // do your UI stuff here
                            func didBlockOrUnblockGroup(groupJid : String, isBlocked : Bool) {
                            func didBlockOrUnblockContact(userJid : String, isBlocked : Bool) {
                            userJidStringjid of the current user
                            isBlockedBooltrue, if current user is being blocked. false, if current user is unblocked

                            Contacts of current user and group#

                            To get blocking/unblocking event of Contacts of current user and group, confirm viewcontroller to below protocol.


                            In ViewController#

                              override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
                              ChatManager.shared.adminBlockDelegate = self
                              override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
                              ChatManager.shared.adminBlockDelegate = nil
                              extension <ViewController Name> : AdminBlockDelegate {
                              func didBlockOrUnblockContact(userJid: String, isBlocked: Bool) {
                              // If a contact is blocked/unblocked, this function will be triggered
                              // do your UI stuff here
                              func didBlockOrUnblockSelf(userJid: String, isBlocked: Bool) {
                              // If a current user is blocked/unblocked, this function will be triggered
                              // do your UI stuff here
                              func didBlockOrUnblockGroup(groupJid: String, isBlocked: Bool) {
                              // If a group is blocked/unblocked, this function will be triggered
                              // do your UI stuff here
                              userJidStringjid of the user
                              isBlockedBooltrue, if user is being blocked. false, if user is unblocked
                              groupJidStringjid of the group