Other call features

Fetching Participants list#

In order to fetch all the participants in the call, use below method

    let callUsersList: [String] = CallManager.getCallUsersList()

    [String] returns the list of UserId

    Fetching Participants list with Call Status#

    To fetch the participants in the call with their call status, use below method

      var usersWithStatus: [String:CALLSTATUS] = CallManager.getCallUsersWithStatus()

      [String] returns the list of UserId, callStatus value will be anyone of the values of annotation class CallStatus.

      Fetching Call Connected list#

      To fetch the connected users in the call, use below method

        let connectedUsers: [String]? = CallManager.getCallConnectedUsersList()

        [String] returns the list of UserId

        Fetching Call Users list in Ringing status#

        To fetch the users in the ringing state of the call, use below method

          let ringingUsers: [String] = CallManager.getRingingStatusUserList()

          [String] returns the list of UserId

          Fetching Timeout Users list#

          To fetch the userslist after timeout, use below method

            let timeoutUsers: [String]? = CallManager.getTimeOutUsersList()

            [String] returns the list of UserId

            Fetching Reconnecting Users list#

              let reconnectingUsers: [String]? = CallManager.getReconnectingUsersList()

              [String] returns the list of UserId

              Check Audio mute status of the UserId#

              In order to check the audio mute status of the given UserId, use below method

                let audioMuteStatus: Bool = CallManager.isRemoteAudioMuted(USERID)

                Bool returns true/false

                Check Video mute status of the UserId#

                In order to check the video mute status of the given UserId, use below method

                  let vidooMuteStatus: Bool = CallManager.isRemoteVideoMuted(USERID)

                  Bool returns true/false

                  Get Call status of the UserId#

                  In order to get the call status of the given UserId, use below method

                    let callStatus: CALLSTATUS? = CallManager.getCallStatus(userId : String)

                    callStatus value will be anyone of the values of annotation class CallStatus.

                    Get Own userId#

                    In order to get the own userId which is passed to SDk, use below method

                      let myUserId: String? = CallManager.getLocalUserId()

                      Get Presented root Viewcontroler#

                      In order to get the viewcontroller from which the call UI is presented, use below method

                        let presentedView: UIViewController? = CallManager.getViewControllerThatPresented()

                        Get GroupId of the current call#

                        In order to get the groupId of the ongoing call, use below method

                          let groupId: String? = CallManager.getGroupID()

                          Get callType of the current call#

                          In order to get the callType of the ongoing call, use below method

                            let callType: CallType = CallManager.getCallType()

                            CallType value will be anyone of the values of annotation class CallType

                            CallType ValueDescription
                            CallType.Audiothe call is Audio
                            CallType.Videothe call is Video

                            Set callType of the current call#

                            In order to set the callType of the ongoing call, use below method

                              CallManager.setCallType(callType : CallType)

                              CallType value will be anyone of the values of annotation class CallType

                              CallType ValueDescription
                              CallType.Audiothe call is Audio
                              CallType.Videothe call is Video

                              Get CallMode of the current call#

                              In order to get the callMode of the ongoing call, use below method

                                let callmode: CallMode = CallManager.getCallMode()

                                CallMode value will be anyone of the values of annotation class CallMode

                                CallMode ValueDescription
                                CallMode.ONE_TO_ONEthe call is between 2 user
                                CallMode.ONE_TO_MANYthe call is between group of members

                                Get CallMode of the current call#

                                In order to get the callDirection of the ongoing call, use below method

                                  let callType: CallDirection = CallManager.getCallDirection()

                                  CallDirection value will be anyone of the values of annotation class CallDirection

                                  CallDirection ValueDescription
                                  CallDirection.Incomingthe call is a incoming call
                                  CallDirection.Outgoingthe call is an outgoing call

                                  Check Call is Connected#

                                  In order to check the ongoing call is connected with atleast of one user in the call, use below method

                                    let isConnected: Bool = CallManager.isCallConnected()

                                    Check Call is OneToOne#

                                    In order to check the ongoing call is made between single user, use below method

                                      let isOneToOne: Bool = CallManager.isOneToOneCall()

                                      Get Current Call Metadata#

                                      To get metadata for the current call, use the method below.

                                        let metadata : [CallMetadata] = CallManager.getCallMetadata()

                                        CallKit App Icon#

                                        In order to show our app icon in CallKit. An icon file named fly_call_app_icon should be placed in the Assets of our main application.


                                        The file name should be fly_call_app_icon, otherwise the sdk considers it as no asset provided and nothing will be shown in CallKit.