Other call features

Fetching Participants list with Call Status#

In order to fetch all the participants in the call, use below method

var value = await Mirrorfly.getCallUsersList();
var callUserList = callUserListFromJson(value);

callStatus value will be anyone of the values of annotation class CallStatus.

callStatus ValueCall event
CallStatus.callingthe initial state of the call
CallStatus.connectingThe current call is in connecting state
CallStatus.ringingthe remote user is having internet and acknowledged the call
CallStatus.attendedthe user attended call and UI can be presented with the users in the call
CallStatus.connectedthe call is successfully connected and audio/video tracks transmission is about to start
CallStatus.disconnectedthe call is disconnected and call UI can be closed
CallStatus.reconnectingthe call is in reconnecting state
CallStatus.reconnectedthe call is connected back after a reconnecting state
CallStatus.onHoldthe remote user has put your call on hold, it will happedn when the remote user attended gsm call
CallStatus.onResumethe remote user has resumed your call after a on hold, it will happen when the remote user disconnected gsm call
CallStatus.callTimeoutwhen we don't receive ack for the outgoing call from the remote user within 30 seconds, When we don't receive ack for the incoming call from the caller within 30 seconds, When we don't receive ack for the call invite from the invited user within 30 seconds

Get GroupId of the current call#

To retrieve the group call JID initiated from a group chat during the call, use the following method.

await Mirrorfly.getCallGroupJid();

Get callType of the current call#

In order to get the callType of the ongoing call, use below method

var callType = await Mirrorfly.getCallType();

CallType value will be anyone of the values of annotation class CallType

CallType ValueDescription
CallType.audiothe call is Audio
CallType.videothe call is Video

Get callDirection of the current call#

In order to get the callDirection of the ongoing call, use below method

var callDirection = await Mirrorfly.getCallDirection();

CallDirection value will be anyone of the values of class CallDirection

CallDirection ValueDescription
CallDirection.incomingthe call is a incoming call
CallDirection.outgoingthe call is an outgoing call