Single chat


In order to send messages using the chat sdk , at first you need to establish the connection to the server. sdk provides methods for initializing the connection configuration as well as methods for making connection.

Note: Even if you don't have internet connection, you are still allowed to send messages which will be kept in offline database.Once the user connected to the internet, the messages will be sent automatically when user opens the app.

Preparing single chat jid#

Almost of the sdk methods expect jid as a input parameter, so sdk provides below utility method to prepare the jid. The method prepares the single chat jid from the given string by using chat config provided via [com.contusflysdk.api.ChatConnectionManager.initialize] method.

Note: The below characters is not allowed in uniqueId: U+0022 (") U+0026 (&) U+0027 (') U+002F (/) U+003A (:) U+003C (<) U+003E (>) U+0040 (@).

UNIQUE_USER_IDStringunique userId for preparing JID

    Text message#

    Text is a basic form of communication between users. sdk provides methods to send the text message to the end users. once the user has sent message via sdk, it will give callback with status. if you want send the text message for a user, you can utilise the below method.

    To send your text message, you need to pass the TextMessage object as an argument to the parameter in the sendTextMessage() method.

      var textMessage = TextMessage()
      textMessage.toId = TO_JID
      textMessage.messageText = MESSAGE
      textMessage.replyMessageId = REPLY_MESSAGE_ID // Optional
      textMessage.mentionedUsersIds = MENTION_IDS // Optional
      textMessage.metaData = META_DATA // Optional
      textMessage.topicID = TOPIC_ID // Optional
      FlyMessenger.sendTextMessage(messageParams: messageParams) { isSuccess, error, chatMessage in
      if (isSuccess) {
      //you can add this message object to your arraylist,
      //then you can notify the tableview
      MESSAGE_PARAMSTextMessageObject to hold the parameters of the text message
      CALLBACKFlySendMessageListenercallback to observe the action status

      Location message#

      Location sharing is a famous communication between users. sdk provides methods to send the location message to the end users. once the user has sent message via sdk, it will give callback with status. if you want send the location message for a user, you can utilise the below method.

      To send your location message, you need to pass the FileMessage object with LocationMessageParams set as an argument to the parameter in the sendFileMessage() method.

        var locationMessageParams = LocationMessageParams()
        locationMessageParams.latitude = LATITUDE
        locationMessageParams.longitude = LONGITUDE
        var fileMessage = FileMessage()
        fileMessage.toId = TO_JID
        fileMessage.messageType = MessageType.location
        fileMessage.locationMessage = locationMessageParams
        fileMessage.replyMessageId = REPLY_MESSAGE_ID // Optional
        fileMessage.mentionedUsersIds = MENTION_IDS // Optional
        fileMessage.metaData = META_DATA // Optional
        fileMessage.topicID = TOPIC_ID // Optional
        FlyMessenger.sendFileMessage(messageParams: fileMessage){ isSuccess,error,message in
        if (isSuccess) {
        //you can add this message object to your arraylist,
        //then you can notify the tableview
        MESSAGE_PARAMSFileMessageObject to hold the parameters of the location message
        CALLBACKFlySendMessageListenercallback to observe the action status

        If Location attachment feature unavailable for your plan then it will throw 403 exception.

        Contact message#

        Contact sharing is very useful communication between users. sdk provides methods to send the contact message to the end users. once the user has sent message via sdk, it will give callback with status. if you want send the contact message for a user, you can utilise the below method.

        To send your contact message, you need to pass the FileMessage object with ContactMessageParams set as an argument to the parameter in the sendFileMessage() method.

          var contactMessageParam = ContactMessageParams()
          contactMessageParam.numbers = CONTACT_NUMBERS
          var fileMessage = FileMessage()
          fileMessage.toId = TO_JID
          fileMessage.messageType =
          fileMessage.contactMessage = contactMessageParam
          fileMessage.replyMessageId = REPLY_MESSAGE_ID // Optional
          fileMessage.mentionedUsersIds = MENTION_IDS // Optional
          fileMessage.metaData = META_DATA // Optional
          fileMessage.topicID = TOPIC_ID // Optional
          FlyMessenger.sendFileMessage(messageParams: fileMessage){ isSuccess,error,message in
          if (isSuccess) {
          //you can add this message object to your arraylist,
          //then you can notify the tableview
          MESSAGE_PARAMSFileMessageObject to hold the parameters of the contact message
          CALLBACKFlySendMessageListenercallback to observe the action status

          If Contact attachment feature unavailable for your plan then it will throw 403 exception.

          Document message#

          Document sharing is very useful communication between users. sdk provides methods to send the document message to the end users. once the user has sent message via sdk, it will give callback with status. if you want send the document message for a user, you can utilise the below method.

          To send your document message, you need to pass the FileMessage object with FileMessageParams set as an argument to the parameter in the sendFileMessage() method.

            var fileMessageParams = FileMessageParams()
            fileMessageParams.fileUrl = FILE_URL
            fileMessageParams.fileName = FILE_NAME
            var fileMessage = FileMessage()
            fileMessage.toId = TO_JID
            fileMessage.messageType = MessageType.document
            fileMessage.fileMessage = fileMessageParams
            fileMessage.replyMessageId = REPLY_MESSAGE_ID // Optional
            fileMessage.mentionedUsersIds = MENTION_IDS // Optional
            fileMessage.metaData = META_DATA // Optional
            fileMessage.topicID = TOPIC_ID // Optional
            FlyMessenger.sendFileMessage(messageParams: fileMessage){ isSuccess,error,message in
            if (isSuccess) {
            //you can add this message object to your arraylist,
            //then you can notify the tableview
            MESSAGE_PARAMSFileMessageObject to hold the parameters of the document message
            CALLBACKFlySendMessageListenercallback to observe the action status

            If Document attachment feature unavailable for your plan then it will throw 403 exception.

            Video message#

            Video sharing is very useful communication between users. sdk provides methods to send the video message to the end users. once the user has sent message via sdk, it will give callback with status. if you want send the video message for a user, you can utilise the below method.

            To send your video message, you need to pass the FileMessage object with FileMessageParams set as an argument to the parameter in the sendFileMessage() method.

              var fileMessageParams = FileMessageParams()
              fileMessageParams.fileUrl = FILE_URL
              fileMessageParams.fileName = FILE_NAME
              fileMessageParams.fileSize = FILE_SIZE
              fileMessageParams.duration = DURATION
              fileMessageParams.thumbImage = THUMB_IMAGE
              fileMessageParams.caption = CAPTION
              fileMessageParams.fileKey = FILE_KEY
              var fileMessage = FileMessage()
              fileMessage.toId = TO_JID
              fileMessage.messageType =
              fileMessage.fileMessage = fileMessageParams
              fileMessage.replyMessageId = REPLY_MESSAGE_ID // Optional
              fileMessage.mentionedUsersIds = MENTION_IDS // Optional
              fileMessage.metaData = META_DATA // Optional
              fileMessage.topicID = TOPIC_ID // Optional
              FlyMessenger.sendFileMessage(messageParams: fileMessage){ isSuccess,error,message in
              if (isSuccess) {
              //you can add this message object to your arraylist,
              //then you can notify the tableview
              MESSAGE_PARAMSFileMessageObject to hold the parameters of the video message
              LISTENERFlySendMessageListenercallback to observe the action status

              To get the metadata of a video file for sending videos make use of the utility methods MediaUtils.processVideo() and MediaUtils.compressVideo()


              If Video attachment feature unavailable for your plan then it will throw 403 exception.

              Image message#

              To send image as a message call the below method. Calling the below method will upload the image file to the server provided during sdk initialization then send the message

              To send your image message, you need to pass the FileMessage object with FileMessageParams set as an argument to the parameter in the sendFileMessage() method.

                var fileMessageParams = FileMessageParams()
                fileMessageParams.fileUrl = FILE_URL
                fileMessageParams.fileName = FILE_NAME
                fileMessageParams.fileSize = FILE_SIZE
                fileMessageParams.thumbImage = THUMB_IMAGE
                fileMessageParams.caption = CAPTION
                fileMessageParams.fileKey = FILE_KEY
                var fileMessage = FileMessage()
                fileMessage.toId = TO_JID
                fileMessage.messageType = MessageType.image
                fileMessage.fileMessage = fileMessageParams
                fileMessage.replyMessageId = REPLY_MESSAGE_ID // Optional
                fileMessage.mentionedUsersIds = MENTION_IDS // Optional
                fileMessage.metaData = META_DATA // Optional
                fileMessage.topicID = TOPIC_ID // Optional
                FlyMessenger.sendFileMessage(messageParams: fileMessage){ isSuccess,error,message in
                if (isSuccess) {
                //you can add this message object to your arraylist,
                //then you can notify the tableview
                MESSAGE_PARAMSFileMessageObject to hold the parameters of the image message
                CALLBACKFlySendMessageListenercallback to observe the action status

                To get the metadata of an image file for sending images make use of the utility methods MediaUtils.getAssetsImageInfo() and MediaUtils.compressImage()


                If Image attachment feature unavailable for your plan then it will throw 403 exception.

                Audio message#

                To send audio as a message call the below method. Calling the below method will upload the audio file to the server provided during sdk initialization then send the message

                To send your audio message, you need to pass the FileMessage object with FileMessageParams set as an argument to the parameter in the sendFileMessage() method.

                  var fileMessageParams = FileMessageParams()
                  fileMessageParams.fileUrl = FILE_URL
                  fileMessageParams.fileName = FILE_NAME
                  fileMessageParams.fileSize = FILE_SIZE
                  fileMessageParams.duration = DURATION
                  fileMessageParams.caption = CAPTION
                  fileMessageParams.fileKey = FILE_KEY
                  var fileMessage = FileMessage()
                  fileMessage.toId = TO_JID
                  fileMessage.messageType =
                  fileMessage.fileMessage = fileMessageParams
                  fileMessage.replyMessageId = REPLY_MESSAGE_ID // Optional
                  fileMessage.mentionedUsersIds = MENTION_IDS // Optional
                  fileMessage.metaData = META_DATA // Optional
                  fileMessage.topicID = TOPIC_ID // Optional
                  FlyMessenger.sendFileMessage(messageParams: fileMessage){ isSuccess,error,message in
                  if (isSuccess) {
                  //you can add this message object to your arraylist,
                  //then you can notify the tableview
                  MESSAGE_PARAMSFileMessageObject to hold the parameters of the audio message
                  listenerFlySendMessageListenercallback to observe the action status

                  To get the metadata of an audio file for sending audio make use of the utility method MediaUtils.processAudio()


                  If Audio attachment feature unavailable for your plan then it will throw 403 exception.

                  Get messages#

                  To fetch all the conversation between you and a single chat user or group, call the below method.

                    var messages : [ChatMessage] = FlyMessenger.getMessagesOf(jid: JID)
                    JIDStringJid of the chat user/group

                    Get media messages#

                    To get the media messages of a conversation, call the below method.

                      var mediaMessages : [ChatMessage] = FlyMessenger.getMediaMessagesOf(jid: JID)
                      JIDStringJid of the chat user/group

                      To get Video, Image, and Audio messages a conversation, call the below method. It is used in view all media to get array of messages group by month

                        ChatManager.getVideoImageAudioMessageGroupByMonth(jid: jid) { (isSuccess, flyError, resultDict) in
                        jidStringJid of the chat user/group

                        Get Single message#

                        To get a single message from database using a message id, call the below method.

                          var message : ChatMessage? = FlyMessenger.getMessageOfId(MESSAGE_MID)
                          MESSAGE_MIDStringId of a message

                          Get messages using ids#

                          To get array of messages from database using their message ids, call the below method.

                            var messages : [ChatMessage] = FlyMessenger.getMessagesUsingIds(MESSAGE_MIDS)
                            MESSAGE_MIDS[String]Ids of messages

                            Remove unread message separator#

                            To remove the unread message separator in a chat conversation list call the below method.

                              JIDStringJid of the user/group

                              Favourite Messages#

                              Favourite messags is feature which allows users to mark some messages as favourites. so that they can see those important messages in future without searching for them in chat. Once you marked messages as favourite, you can get those from sdk to show it in your app's screen.

                              MESSAGE_IDStringmessageId of the message
                              CHAT_USER_JIDStringjid of the chat user
                              IS_FAVOURITEbooleantrue, if you are adding to favourites.false to remove from favourites
                              CALLBACKChatActionListenercallback to observe the action status

                              Make favourite#

                              You can mark the messages as favourite by using the below method.

                                ChatManager.updateFavouriteStatus(MESSAGE_ID, CHAT_USER_JID, true) {isSuccess,error,message in

                                Remove favourite#

                                You can remove the messages from favourite by using the below method.

                                  ChatManager.updateFavouriteStatus(MESSAGE_ID, CHAT_USER_JID, false) {isSuccess,error,message in

                                  Get all favourite messages#

                                  The below method will return all the favourite messages from the local db.

                                    let favouriteMessages = ChatManager.getFavouriteMessages()

                                    Upload/Download media message#

                                    Whenever you receive a media message from a user, or when retrying to upload a already sent media message you can use built-in sdk functions to upload/download the media content / The below method is applicable only if you are using sdk media server.

                                      MEDIA_MESSAGE_IDStringMessageID of the ChatMeassage

                                      Note: Use same methods for Upload/Download Media Retry.

                                      Delete messages#

                                      Delete messsage is a feature which is found in modern messaging apps which allows the user to delete the message once it is sent.Once you sent the message, you can able to delete the messages by using built in sdk methods.

                                      Delete for me#

                                      If you want to delete the messages for yourself only then you can use the below method.

                                      Note: The messages will not be deleted to the receipient.

                                      TO_JIDStringjid of the end user
                                      MESSAGE_ID_LIST[String]List of messageId to be deleted
                             for single chat, DeleteChatType.groupchat for group chat
                                      ISREVOKE_MEDIA_ACCESSBooleanTrue - selected media file can be deleted,False - selected media file cannot be deleted
                                      CALLBACKDeleteMessageListenercallback to observe the action status
                                        ChatManager.deleteMessagesForMe(TO_JID, MESSAGE_ID_LIST,DELETE_CHAT_TYPE,ISREVOKE_MEDIA_ACCESS)(isSuccess, message) -> {
                                        if isSuccess {

                                        If delete message feature unavailable for your plan then below methods will throw 403 exception.

                                        Delete for everyone#

                                        If you want to delete the messages for yourself and receiver then you can use the below method. The messages will also be deleted to the receipient.

                                        TO_JIDStringjid of the end user
                                        MESSAGE_ID_LIST[String]List of messageId to be deleted
                               for single chat, DeleteChatType.groupchat for group chat
                                        ISREVOKE_MEDIA_ACCESSBooleanTrue - selected media file can be deleted,False - selected media file cannot be deleted
                                        CALLBACKDeleteMessageListenercallback to observe the action status
                                          ChatManager.deleteMessagesForEveryone(TO_JID, MESSAGE_ID_LIST,DELETE_CHAT_TYPE,ISREVOKE_MEDIA_ACCESS)(isSuccess, message) -> {
                                          if isSuccess {

                                          If delete message feature unavailable for your plan then below methods will throw 403 exception.

                                          Cancel upload/download#

                                          Whenever you would like to cancel upload/download of a media message , you can use built-in sdk functions to cancel the media content upload/download.The below method is applicable only if you are using sdk media server.

                                            MESSAGE_IDStringmessage id of the media message

                                            When the user cancelled the media download, then user need to restart the download using FlyMessenger.downloadMedia(messageId: String) method. In case of media upload, the upload initiated once the user sent the message In case of retry call FlyMessenger.uploadMedia(messageId: String).