Other chat features

Report User/Group Messages#

This feature is used to do report the user/group messages by selecting the message or user/group profile. If the user/group is reported by person to admin, the user's last 5 conversations or by selecting along with the selected message and previous 4 messages will be sent to the admin panel based on that chats availability. By using the below method person can achieve the User/Group report messages.

FlyCore.reportUserOrMessages(TO_USER_JID, CHAT_TYPE, SELECTED_MID, (isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
// Report Success Response
} else {
// Report Failure Response

Note : In this method SELECTED_MID is optional argument. If person selected a message to report use this param other wise ignore the param.

TO_USER_JIDstringReport User Jid who needs to be reported
CHAT_TYPEstringUser chat type either single chat or group chat
SELECTED_MIDstringSelected Message ID

If report chat feature unavailable for your plan then it will throw 403 exception.

Handling Banned User/Group#

This feature is used to get the users/groups admin blocked status. So that you can check the user/group available status and communicate with them. If user/group blocked by admin then you will get notify the alert message.

Get Own user Admin Block Status#

This method is used to get the live status of own user profile blocked/unblocked by Admin status, so that you will be navigated to show stopper screen if profile blocked by admin.

public void onAdminBlockedUser(String jid, boolean status) {
super.onAdminBlockedUser(jid, status)
// jid - own user profile jid, status - admin block/unblock status
// Write your logic here
// to show/hide showstopper screen, based on the admin block/unblock status
// To get the own user admin block/unblock status by using the below method while app is opening from background

Get Other user/group Admin Block Status#

This method is used to get the live status of other user/group profile blocked/unblocked by Admin status, so that you will be notified the profile status.

public void onAdminBlockedOtherUser(String jid, String type, boolean status) {
super.onAdminBlockedOtherUser(jid, type, status)
// jid - user/group profile jid, type - chat/groupchat, status - admin block/unblock status
// Write your logic here to handle the user/group communications

Send typing status#

You can able to send the typing/gone status to the users, so that they can aware of whether user is typing the message or not. if you want send the typing status for a user, you can utilise the below method.

TO_JIDStringjid of the chat user
CHAT_TYPEChatTypeEnumchat type

While user starts typing the message in the input box of the chat window, call the below method to send the composing status, so that they can show a typing message in the header/recent chat.

ChatManager.sendTypingStatus(TO_JID, CHAT_TYPE)

Once user stopped/finished typing the message in the input box of the chat window, call the below method to send the gone status, so that they can hide a typing message in the header/recent chat.

ChatManager.sendTypingGoneStatus(TO_JID, CHAT_TYPE)

Observe the typing status#

To observe the typing status changes, you can use the below method to setup listener for the typing events.

ChatManager.setTypingStatusListener(new TypingStatusListener() {
public void onChatTypingStatus(@NotNull String fromUserJid, @NotNull TypingStatus status) {
public void onGroupTypingStatus(@NotNull String groupJid, @NotNull String groupUserJid, @NotNull TypingStatus status) {

Once the listener has been set by the sdk user, the below callbacks will be triggered based on the chat type.

Single chat#

for single chat below callback will be triggered

Callback arguments#

fromUserJidStringjid of the typing user
statusTypingStatusThe status param will be either composing or gone

composing means user is typing the message. gone means user stopped the typing

public void onChatTypingStatus(@NotNull String fromUserJid, @NotNull TypingStatus status) {

Group chat#

for group chat below callback will be triggered

Callback arguments#

groupJidStringjid of the group in which user is typing the message
groupUserJidStringjid of the typing user
statusTypingStatusThe status param will be either composing or gone

composing means user is typing the message. gone means user stopped the typing

public void onGroupTypingStatus(@NotNull String groupJid, @NotNull String groupUserJid, @NotNull TypingStatus status) {

Mute user/Group#

If you want to mute the notifications for the chat of a user or a group, you can utilise the below method.

FlyCore.updateChatMuteStatus(JID , MUTE_STATUS);
JIDStringjid of the chat user/ group
MUTE_STATUSbooleantrue, if you want to mute notifications for the chat

Get Last seen time of a user#

if you want to get the last seen time for the chat user, you can utilise the below method.

ContactManager.getRegisteredUserLastSeenTime(JID , LISTENER );
JIDStringjid of the chat user
LISTENERLastSeenListenerLastSeenListener callback to observe the action status

Note : This method return to the timestamp value 0 means ONLINE otherwise you need to convert to the timestamp value based on your timezone.

Get User/Group profile details#

if you want to get the profile details for the chat user, you can utilise the below method.

ProfileDetails profileDetails = ContactManager.getProfileDetails(JID);
JIDStringjid of the user

Unread count#

if you want to get the unread count of chat messages, you can utilise the below method.

int unreadMessageCount = FlyMessenger.getUnreadMessagesCount();

Get Recent Chat#

To get the recent chat of a user or a group.

RecentChat recentChat = FlyCore.getRecentChatOf(JID);

Refer this doc to know more about RecentChat Class

JIDStringjid of the user/group

Will return a null object if a user never made a conversation with that user/group.

Get Recent Chat list#

To get the recent chat list call the below method.

ArrayList<RecentChat> recentChatList = FlyCore.getRecentChatList();
FlyCore.getRecentChatList((isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
ArrayList<RecentChat> recentChatList = (ArrayList<RecentChat>) data.get("data");
//update the UI
} else {
//Fetching recent chat list failed print throwable to find the exception details.
CALLBACKFlyCallbackFlyCallback implemented as lambda expression

The method with callback runs on background thread and the one without callback didn't run on background thread

Get Recent Chat list of user by Pagination#

To get the recent chat list as pagination by providing the limit.


First, create a RecentChatListParams instance to set the recent chat list limits based on the inputs.

RecentChatListParams recentChatListParams = new RecentChatListParams();

Second, create a RecentChatListBuilder instance.

RecentChatListBuilder recentChatListBuilder = new RecentChatListBuilder(RECENT_CHAT_LIST_PARAM);
RECENT_CHAT_LIST_PARAMRecentChatListParamsInsatance of 'RecentChatListParams'

Load Initial Recent Chat List#

To fetch initial recent chat list of user, call the below method.

recentChatListBuilder.loadRecentChatList((isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
ArrayList<RecentChat> recentChatList = (ArrayList<RecentChat>) data.get("data");
} else {
// Fetch Recent Chat List failed print throwable to find the exception details.
CALLBACKFlyCallback'FlyCallback' implemented as lambda expression

Load Next Set of Recent Chat List#

To fetch next set of data, call the below method.

recentChatListBuilder.nextSetOfData((isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
ArrayList<RecentChat> recentChatList = (ArrayList<RecentChat>) data.get("data");
} else {
// Fetch recent chat list failed print throwable to find the exception details.
CALLBACKFlyCallback'FlyCallback' implemented as lambda expression

Create Topic#

You can use the below given method to create a new topic.

ChatManager.createTopic(TOPIC_NAME,META_DATA, (isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
TOPIC_NAMEStringName of the topic (cannot be null or empty)
META_DATAList<MetaData>META_DATA is an optional parameter to provide additional information about the topic. You can pass it as a List of MetaData Maximum Size is 3

Get Topics#

You can use the below given method to get the topics details.

ChatManager.getTopics(TOPIC_IDS, (isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
Object result = ((JSONObject) data.get("data")).get("topics");
//handle success
} else {
// print throwable to find the exception details.
TOPIC_IDSArrayList<String>ArrayList of topic ids

Get Chats By TopicId#

To get all the list of TopicId related chats, send a request to the server as described below.


First, create a TopicChatListParams instance to set the topicId and recent chat list limits based on the inputs.

TopicChatListParams topicChatListParams = new TopicChatListParams();
LIMITIntNo of topic based chats will be fetched for each request default 40
TOPIC_IDStringParticular topic based chats will be fetched

Second, create a TopicChatListBuilder instance.

TopicChatListBuilder topicChatListBuilder = new TopicChatListBuilder(TOPIC_CHAT_LIST_PARAMS);
TOPIC_CHAT_LIST_PARAMSTopicChatListParamsInstance of 'TopicChatListParams'

Load Initial Topic Based Chat List#

To fetch initial Topic based recent chat list, call the below method.

topicChatListBuilder.loadTopicBasedChatList((isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
ArrayList<RecentChat> recentChatList = (ArrayList<RecentChat>) data.get("data");
} else {
// Fetch Topic Recent Chat List failed print throwable to find the exception details.
CALLBACKFlyCallback'FlyCallback' implemented as lambda expression

Load Next Set of Topic based Recent Chat List#

To fetch next set of topic based recent chat list, call the below method.

topicChatListBuilder.nextSetOfTopicBasedChatList((isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
ArrayList<RecentChat> recentChatList = (ArrayList<RecentChat>) data.get("data");
} else {
// Fetch Topic recent chat list failed print throwable to find the exception details.
CALLBACKFlyCallback'FlyCallback' implemented as lambda expression

Get Recent Chat list with archived chats#

To get the recent chat list including the arhived chat conversation call the below method.

ArrayList<RecentChat> recentChatList = FlyCore.getRecentChatListIncludingArchived();

Delete a Recent Chat#

To delete a recent chat of a user or a group call the method.


We can delete a archived recent chat using this method too.

JIDStringjid of the user/group

Deleting a recent chat will delete the all the conversation for that user/group including favorite messages.


If delete recent chat feature unavailable for your plan then it will throw 403 exception.

Pin a Recent Chat#

To pin a recent chat which makes a particular recent chat to appear at the top of the recent chat list.

JIDStringjid of the user/group
PIN_RECENT_CHATbooleanif true chat will be pinned else the chat will be unpinned

Recent Chat Pinned Count#

To get the pinned count on recent chat list call the below method.

int pinnedCount = FlyCore.recentChatPinnedCount();

Clear chat messages#

Clear chat messages is a feature which allows users to delete the chat messages to reduce the storage usage. if you want to clear the messages for the entire chat, or multiple chats then you can utilise the below methods. it will also delete the downloaded media files from your local storage.

Clear chat#

You can clear the messages for any chat by using the below method. The messages will not be deleted to the receipient.

TO_JIDStringjid of the chat user
CHAT_TYPEChatTypeEnumChatTypeEnum.chat for single chat, ChatTypeEnum.groupchat for group chat, ChatTypeEnum.broadcast for broadcast
CLEAR_EXCEPT_STARREDbooleanif true, delete all the messages except the favourite messages
CALLBACKChatActionListenercallback to observe the action status
ChatManager.clearChat(TO_JID, CHAT_TYPE, CLEAR_CHAT_EXCEPT_STARRED, (isSuccess, message) -> {

If clear chat feature unavailable for your plan then it will throw 403 exception.

Delete mulitple conversation#

You can delete the messages of multiple chats including group,brodcast by using the below method.

JID_LISTList<String>List of chat jid whose conversations to be deleted
CALLBACKChatActionListenercallback to observe the action status
ChatManager.deleteRecentChats(JID_LIST, (isSuccess, message) -> {

If delete chat feature unavailable for your plan then it will throw 403 exception.

Delete all conversation#

You can delete the messages of all chats including group,brodcast by using the below method.

CALLBACKChatActionListenercallback to observe the action status
ChatManager.clearAllConversation((isSuccess, message) -> {

If delete chat feature unavailable for your plan then it will throw 403 exception.

Mark a conversation as read#

By marking a converstaion as read the unread count will be reset and it is considered the message inside the conversation were read by you.

JID_LISTList<String>List of user/group jid

Mark a conversation as unread#

By marking a converstaion as unread it is considered the message inside the conversation were in unread state.

JID_LISTList<String>List of user/group jid

The read/unread flag is available as a property in the name of isConversationUnRead in the RecentChat for a user.

Archive/Unarchive Settings#

Archive Chats Permanent status can set by enabling/disabling the option.

FlyCore.enableDisableArchivedSettings(Boolean, FlyCallback { isSuccess, throwable, data ->});
BOOLEANBooleantrue to archive the recent chat false to unarchive the recent chat

Archive Settings Status#

Get Archive Settings Status to keep the archived chats permanent.


The archived settings status will be returned either True or False

Archive/Unarchive a recent chat conversation#


Archiving a chat conversation makes the chat not appear in recent chat list, mostly used on chats which are inactive for a long time.


Unarchiving a archived recent chat conversation makes the chat conversation appear in recent chat list again.

FlyCore.updateArchiveUnArchiveChat(JID, BOOLEAN, FlyCallback { isSuccess, throwable, data ->});
JIDStringjid of the user/group to Archive/UnArchive
BOOLEANBooleantrue to archive the recent chat false to unarchive the recent chat

Get List of archived recent chat conversation#

An archived chat won't be listed in recent chat list. To get the list of archived chats call the below method.

FlyCore.getArchivedChatList((isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
ArrayList<RecentChat> result = (ArrayList<RecentChat>) data.get("data")
} else {
//Getting users blocked me list failed print throwable to find the exception details.
CALLBACKFlyCallbackFlyCallback implemented as lambda expression

While user Logging the app, if any chats archived then list will be synced by fetching this method FlyCore.getArchivedChatsFromServer() the list of Archived JIDs will update into FlyCore.getArchivedChatList().

Search Chat Conversation#

To find a message or similar messages that matches a search term within a chat conversation between two or in a group or among all conversations call the method below.

FlyCore.searchConversation(SEARCH_TERM, JID,GLOBAL_SEARCH,
((isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
ArrayList<ChatMessage> result = (ArrayList<ChatMessage>) data.get("data")
} else {
//Getting search result failed print throwable to find the exception details.
SEARCH_TERMStringtext characters for which search has to happen
JIDStringUnique identifier of a contact/Group (can be empty for global search)
GLOBAL_SEARCHbooleanif true then search won't be restricted by jid and search operation executes on every conversation
CALLBACKFlyCallbackFlyCallback implemented as lambda expression

Search term can't be empty, for global search pass a empty String as argument for JID.

Message Action Validation#

To get the message actions available for a list of message call the below method.

MessageActions availableMessageActions = ChatManager.getMessageActions(MESSAGE_ID_LIST);
MESSAGE_ID_LISTList<String>list of message ids

Forward Messages#

Forwarding feature helps the app users to share the single/multiple messages to one or more users.

Forward messages to single user#

if you want to forward the messages for the chat user, you can utilise the below method.

MESSAGE_ID_LISTList<String>list of message id's
TO_JIDStringjid of the chat user
CHAT_TYPEChatTypeEnumChatTypeEnum.chat for single chat, ChatTypeEnum.groupchat for group chat, ChatTypeEnum.broadcast for broadcast
CALLBACKChatActionListenercallback to observe the action status
ChatManager.forwardMessages(MESSAGE_ID_LIST, TO_JID, CHAT_TYPE, (isSuccess, message) -> {

Forward messages to multiple users#

if you want to forward the messages to the multiple users, you can utilise the below method.

MESSAGE_ID_LISTList<String>list of message id's
ROSTER_LISTList<String>jid list of the chat users
CALLBACKChatActionListenercallback to observe the action status
ChatManager.forwardMessagesToMultipleUsers(MESSAGE_ID_LIST, ROSTER_LIST, (isSuccess, message) -> {

Copy Messages#

To copy text messages to the android clipboard call the below method.

MESSAGE_ID_LISTList<String>list of message ids

Only text messages can be copied to clipboard as of now.

Save unsent message#

To save a message which is not sent yet but typed can be saved for each user/group can be done by calling the below method.

JIDStringJid of the user/group
MESSAGEStringText message content

Get unsent message of a user/group#

To get the saved unsent message of a user/group call the below method.

String unsentMessage = FlyMessenger.getUnsentMessageOfAJid(JID);
JIDStringJid of the user/group
TEXT_MESSAGEStringText message content

Save custom value to the message#

To save a custom value to the message which can be saved and mapped for each message can be done by calling the below method.

MESSAGE_IDStringUnique Id of a ChatMessage
KEYStringUnique Key for the Value
VALUEStringValue message content

Note : Multiple custom values can be stored to the message with different unique keys.

Get custom value of a message#

To get the custom value of a message call the below method.

String customValue = FlyMessenger.getCustomValue(MESSAGE_ID,KEY);
MESSAGE_IDStringUnique Id of a ChatMessage
KEYStringUnique Key for the Value

Remove custom value of a message#

To remove the custom value of a message call the below method.

MESSAGE_IDStringUnique Id of a ChatMessage
KEYStringUnique Key for the Value

Export chat conversation#

To export a chat conversation of a user, or a group call the below method.

FlyCore.prepareChatConversationToExport(JID,((isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
ChatDataModel chatDataModel = (ChatDataModel) data.get("data")
// ChatDataModel has the every data to export the chat
} else {
//Exporting chat data failed print throwable to find the exception details.
JIDStringjid of the user/group
CALLBACKFlyCallbackFlyCallback implemented as lambda expression

Note : To know more about ChatDataModel, refer class documentation.

Email Chat Conversation#

To export a chat conversation of a user, or a group to a list of email recipients call the below method.

JIDStringjid of the user/group
EMAIL_RECIPIENTS_LISTArrayList<String>List of Strings holds the recipients email address. List can be empty but not null.

Email chat internally call the exportChatConversation() method and presents a share intent to export chat via email

Invite a user#

if you want to invite a user to the chat app, you can utilise the below method.

ContactManager.inviteUserViaSMS(MOBILE_NUMBER ,MESSAGE );
MOBILE_NUMBERStringmobile number to send a invite message
MESSAGEStringinvite message content

Send Feedback/Contact Us Info#

To send feedback information from the user, you can call the below method.

ContactManager.sendContactUsInfo(TITLE ,DESCRIPTION, (isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
// Feedback data sent successfully
} else {
//Sending feedback data failed print throwable to find the exception details.
TITLEStringtitle for the feedback
DESCRIPTIONStringdetailed info about the feedback
CALLBACKFlyCallbackFlyCallback implemented as lambda expression

Backup your chat#

Whenever you need to backup your chat messages, you can use the below method to start backup. The method will backup all the chats and writes to a file. Once backup completed you can get the backup file path from the onSuccess callback.

BACKUP_LISTENERBackupListenerlistener to observe the backup events
BackupManager.startBackup(new BackupListener() {
public void onProgressChanged(int percentage) {
public void onSuccess(@NonNull String backUpFilePath) {
public void onFailure(@NonNull String reason) {

while the backup is running, if you want to cancel the backup you can use the below method


Restore from a backup file#

Whenever you need to restore the chat messages from the backup file, you can use the below method.

BACKUP_FILEFilebackup file
RESTORE_LISTENERRestoreListenerlistener to observe the restore events
RestoreManager.restoreData(BACKUP_FILE, new RestoreListener() {
public void onProgressChanged(int percentage) {
public void onSuccess() {
public void onFailure(@NonNull String reason) {

while the restore backup is running, if you want to cancel the restore operation you can use the below method


Note: Depending on the chat messages size the above methods may take long time for completion.


Cancelling restore operation will lead to partial db data, so avoid cancelling restore operation in most scenarios.

Delete Account#

To delete the chat account call the below method.

FlyCore.deleteAccount(REASON, FEEDBACK, (FlyCallback) (isSuccess, throwable, hashMap) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
// Chat account has been deleted and need to re-register again to send and receive message
} else {
// Delete chat account failed print throwable to find the exception details.
REASONStringreason for the account deletion
FEEDBACKStringdetailed feedback about the account deletion
CALLBACKFlyCallbackFlyCallback implemented as lambda expression

Deleting chat account will remove all informations(messages, groups and contacts) related to this chat account

Logout of Chat SDK#

To logout of the chat SDK call the below method.

FlyCore.logoutOfChatSDK((isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
// User loged out of the chat sdk need to login again to send and receive message
} else {
// Logging out failed print throwable to find the exception details.
CALLBACKFlyCallbackFlyCallback implemented as lambda expression

Once you are logged out you cannot establish a connection with chat server unless you login again.


Logout function will not clear messages and groups data in Chat database.


Sdk is having a built-in functions to prepare the JID, Group JID.

Get MetaData of user#

If you want to get MetaData value of user, you can utilise the below method.

ChatManager.getMetaData((isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
ArrayList<MetaData> metDataList = (ArrayList<MetaData>) data.get("data");
//update the UI
} else {
//Fetching metaData value failed print throwable to find the exception details.
CALLBACKFlyCallbackFlyCallback implemented as lambda expression

Update MetaData of user#

If you want to update MetaData value of user, you can utilise the below method.

ChatManager.updateMetaData(META_DATA, (isSuccess, throwable, data) -> {
if (isSuccess) {
ArrayList<MetaData> metDataList = (ArrayList<MetaData>) data.get("data");
//update the UI
} else {
//updated metaData value failed print throwable to find the exception details.
META_DATAList<MetaData>list of key - value pair of metadata object. Maximum size is 3
CALLBACKFlyCallbackFlyCallback implemented as lambda expression

Clear all data in Chat SDK#

To clear all SDK data in the database and preference call the below method.


Chat history#

The chat history feature allows us to retrieve chat history every time you log into the newly acquired device. The feature stores chat history securely and provides access to the users whenever they need it. This ensures that users can access the same conversation thread across devices without any data loss.

ChatManager.enableChatHistory(ENABLE_CHAT_HISTORY isEnable);


ENABLE_CHAT_HISTORYbooleantrue To enable chat history and false for normal chat

If the Chat history feature is not available on your plan, the method above will not work.